Thanks for feedback.

Most of these issues are not caused by reports but rather webkit/UI issues
:) I haven't found way to trigger report drill-down without an intermediate
"Load" anchor.

Try refreshing my branch. Latest developments: the yAxis amounts are now
formatted correctly according to locale; US users see "$1,000.00" "€1,000.00
*"* whereas some EU users wil see "1.000,00 $" "1.000,00 €*"*. These things
matter in an internationally focussed program :)

On Thu, 31 Jan 2019 at 09:56, Stephen M. Butler <> wrote:

> Took me awhile to figure out how to drill down.  Double clicking didn't
> do it.  I finally noticed the small print in the upper left corner that
> I eventually determined said "load".  Clicking that took me to the child
> accounts of the one originally clicked.  However, there was no "unload"
> to go back up a level.  Only path was deeper.
> Once at the deepest account, the transaction window did open and it was
> easy to close that -- but still no method to back out to the original
> chart (that I could determine).
> I wonder if there is something more intuitive than the small print
> "load" to do a drill down.
> OK.  Accidentally found the "back" option under the right click.  Only
> found it because I was thinking that a double click would be a natural
> go deeper signal -- so what would be a corresponding "go back" signal?
> Double right click??  Tried that and found that right click did bring up
> the option menu to navigate back.
> So then started playing with the options on the right click.  Found that
> forward worked the same as "load" but only until at the lowest account.
> Had to left click and then click on "load" to get the transaction
> listing.  To be consistent, the Forward menu item should also work in
> that case and bring up the transaction details.
> I tried the "Inspect Element" item and decided I didn't want to know
> what that was about!  <<grin>>
> Hmm.  Forward isn't consistent.  Only available if you have previously
> gone down a level by clicking on load.
> So you have to left click on the area of interest then left click on
> load and only then will the Forward/Back items on the right click be
> available.  That's awkward.
> How about a double left click automatically goes down on the area
> clicked or always allow a Forward if the user right clicks on the area.
> In that case go deeper on the area on which the left click happened.  Or
> allow both methods.  I'm thinking the "load" in the upper left is
> cumbersome and rather not have it.
> Never could figure out when the "stop" item is available.
> --Steve
> On 1/29/19 7:36 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 09:31, Stephen M. Butler <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> >     So far, my only negative is with the Average balance chart.  It's too
> >     tall and I lose the captions at the bottom (I maybe see 1 or 2
> >     pixels of
> >     them).  When I scroll down then I lose the chart title at the
> >     top.  I am
> >     running 1920x1080 (16:9)
> >
> >
> > Agree - this is caused by *all* charts default to use 100% page size;
> > I think they should be reduced to 80%, with no (IMHO) negative
> > consequences.
> >
> >     > Hint: new features added, and old features resurrected:
> >     > - clicky links from pie/line/bar graphs to drill down into
> >     > sub-charts,sub-reports, or register (this was disabled >10yrs ago?)
> >
> >     SMB:  I don't think I made it to the register.  Just saw the
> >     non-selected sections expand to fill the pie.
> >
> >
> > Try: Asset/Income/Expense/Liability Chart and keep drilling down.
> > I think the Income/Expense over time may be modified to launch the
> > Transaction Report highlighting relevant period. TBD tonight :)
> >
> >
> >     SMB:  At least you have the end-of-year set correctly.  origin/maint
> >     3.4-50 has a problem.  Separate email.
> >
> >
> > This end-of-year is the exact same bug currently affecting maint. My
> > branch currently reverts the offending commit, so, cannot be
> > considered safe to ship, but is adequate for testing. Thank you for
> > feedback!
> --
> Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
> 253-350-0166
> -------------------------------------------
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