
If you draw a diagram from the information in the wiki page
where the  meta data and report data is stored becomes fairly obvious and is
fairly simple. 

There was considerable discussion in the forums at the time the changes were
being made from 2.6 to 3.0. Not all users had the same report startegy you
were thinking of. Some users used the same report configurations with
different books. Going with the OS's recommendations has the advantage that
your backup strategy may be more general than that for a single app.

Note it is the report configuration which is saved in the configuration
locations not the report instance itself - that is in the book/main data
file and/or reconstructed from the data there when it is displayed.

It is fairly simple to store a copy of user and configuarion locations
contents with each data file if you really require the user and config data
to be backed up along with the data file.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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