See sample report output.
Branch as of
-- note there are infrastructure changes which will require build rather
than copy-into-3.5
It will require careful selection of accounts.
Not sure if it is applicable to countries other than UK.

On Wed, 8 May 2019 at 13:52, Maf. King <> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 8 May 2019 14:27:03 BST you wrote:
> >
> > It would seem the way forward would be a tailored report, requesting the
> 7
> > source accounts as above, and they will by default select accounts
> > according to the UK VAT template accounts. e.g. (1) preselected to
> accounts
> > with substrings "VAT" "Output" and "Sales", (2) to accounts with
> substrings
> > "VAT" "Output" "EC", etc.
> >
> > Unfortunately the above strategy will not be easily generalisable to
> other
> > countries, let alone other EC VAT reports.
> >
> > C
> A thought - there's no reason to hard code the default accounts, if it
> makes
> the report more useful to others.
> It isn't hard (from a user perspective) to do a 1-time set up of accounts,
> then save as a customised set of options for next time around.
> Of course, I don't know if that makes it harder for you as author - more
> dialogs & options, I suppose?
> Maf.
  VAT Report

  From 01/01/19 to 31/03/19

   General / Common Currency : Enabled
   General / Add options summary : always
   General / Report name : VAT Report
   Sorting / Primary Key : date
   Sorting / Secondary Key : none
   Sorting / Primary Subtotal for Date Key : none
   EC / Purchases EC Goods : EC Reverse VAT Purchase, EEC Reverse VAT
   EC / EC VAT Accounts : EC
   EC / Sales EC Goods : Goods
   Display / Account Name : Disabled
   Display / Memo : Disabled
   Display / Num : Disabled
   Display / Sign Reverses : income-expense
   Accounts / Purchases : Capital Equipment, Computer Equipment, EC
   Reverse VAT Purchase, Expenses, VAT Purchases, Accountant, EEC Reverse
   Accounts / Non-EC VAT Accounts : Input, Output, Sales, VAT Paid on

   Date Description Box 1 VAT Sales Box 2 VAT Reverse EC Box 3 VAT Output
   Box 4 VAT Purchases Box 5 VAT Difference Box 6 Tot Sales Box 7 Tot
   Purchases Box 8 EC Goods Sales Box 9 EC Goods Purchases
   01/01/19 Normal Sales 1000GBP + 200GBP VAT [1]£200.00 [2]£200.00
   [3]-£200.00 [4]£1,000.00
   02/01/19 Normal Sales 100GBP + 20GBP VAT [5]£20.00 [6]£20.00 [7]-£20.00
   03/01/19 Refund of Sales 100GBP + 20GBP VAT [9]-£20.00 [10]-£20.00
   [11]£20.00 [12]-£100.00
   04/01/19 Reduced VAT Sales 200GBP + 20GBP VAT [13]£20.00 [14]£20.00
   [15]-£20.00 [16]£200.00
   05/01/19 Sale of goods to EC - 100GBP + NO VAT [17]£100.00 [18]£100.00
   07/01/19 UK Accountant Services. £45 + £9 VAT [19]£9.00 [20]£9.00
   07/01/19 VAT-free Sales, still has split to VAT:Sales [22]£0.00
   [23]£0.00 [24]£0.00 [25]£50.00
   07/01/19 Widget Inserter bought from EU [26]-£30.00 [27]-£30.00
   [28]£30.00 [29]£0.00 [30]£150.00 [31]£150.00
   07/01/19 Services to EU Customer - £125+ NO VAT [32]£125.00
   07/01/19 Consumables bought from EU supplier [33]£10.00 [34]£10.00
   [35]£10.00 [36]£0.00 [37]£50.00 [38]£50.00
   07/01/19 Laptop Bought in UK [39]£60.00 [40]£60.00 [41]£300.00

   Grand Total -£220.00 -£40.00 -£260.00 £109.00 -£151.00 -£1,475.00
   £545.00 -£100.00 £200.00


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  13. gnc-register:split-guid=e12769946a764ef09d8c055a43602993
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  17. gnc-register:split-guid=14785e1b0bdc40a9be449a4531aed6e6
  18. gnc-register:split-guid=14785e1b0bdc40a9be449a4531aed6e6
  19. gnc-register:split-guid=63692e96f52c4ed58a3635a70d883d30
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  22. gnc-register:split-guid=344bbb32252f4a67a4142f0890b8845f
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  31. gnc-register:split-guid=b9b0f51f69504f15bf4949ed831125b5
  32. gnc-register:split-guid=6f85bb0d78f14f51979e10665ed15a55
  33. gnc-register:split-guid=e28cc206f46649c2ae3840e611f7f0b9
  34. gnc-register:split-guid=e28cc206f46649c2ae3840e611f7f0b9
  35. gnc-register:split-guid=e28cc206f46649c2ae3840e611f7f0b9
  36. gnc-register:split-guid=e28cc206f46649c2ae3840e611f7f0b9
  37. gnc-register:split-guid=e28cc206f46649c2ae3840e611f7f0b9
  38. gnc-register:split-guid=e28cc206f46649c2ae3840e611f7f0b9
  39. gnc-register:split-guid=7c3dad3a9e614a7aa0a436e127adaf1f
  40. gnc-register:split-guid=7c3dad3a9e614a7aa0a436e127adaf1f
  41. gnc-register:split-guid=7c3dad3a9e614a7aa0a436e127adaf1f
"Box 1 VAT Sales",-220.0
"Box 2 VAT Reverse EC",-40.0
"Box 3 VAT Output",-260.0
"Box 4 VAT Purchases",109.0
"Box 5 VAT Difference",-151.0
"Box 6 Tot Sales",-1475.0
"Box 7 Tot Purchases",545.0
"Box 8 EC Goods Sales",-100.0
"Box 9 EC Goods Purchases",200.0
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