I used to use XEmacs much like John describes, although I did use the debugging mode in XEmacs. That was long enough ago that lldb wasn't around, at least not for what I was working on. Now I use XCode for debugging and BBEdit for editing. They work together pretty well and XCode's debugging GUI is quite nice. I remember debugging using address stops and console switches, so this is a big step up.


On 8 Mar 2020, at 23:27, John Ralls wrote:

From the command line, lldb bin/gnucash

br se -n foo
or you can use the gdb compatibility version, b foo.

emacs gud mode apparently doesn't support lldb and I've never bothered to try anyway. I do sometimes wish for compiling in emacs when I'm working through 400 lines of template errors, but so far not enough to figure out how to import all of the necessary environment to make it work. Immediate productivity always seems more important than taking a week to learn a new tool.

I'm occasionally tempted to consider switching to bbedit or vscode, but after 35 years of emacs it would be a lot of learning time that could be spent on more useful things.
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