Dear Geert Janssens,


I am a user, not an engineer or expert in developing applications. I have
never heard of Bugzilla so I read the information that you linked.
Unfortunately, it is Greek to me. I understand no more about Bugzilla today
than I did yesterday.


As I user, I figured out a workaround (it took many hours) when the QIF
import kept failing. I am glad I was able to make it work for me. I shared
the experience on the mailing list-also a new concept to me-so that others
that run into the same failure can understand it. I cannot fix the problem
in the application. I do not understand how to use Bugzilla. I have done my
best to bring the issue to the attention of the people who (I thought) can
address it for others (I have no plans to run any more imports). If it is
not sufficient, all I can say is that I did the best I know how.


Best wishes,

14343 North Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, Apt. 1009 
Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3634 
(480) 657-7543 Home 

(480) 922-0484 Text
(844) 395-7098 Fax


From: Geert Janssens <> 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 2:28 AM
Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] QIF Import Suggestion


Can you report this as a bug in bugzilla [1] please ?


Messages on the mailing list are a nice heads up, but tend to get lost.






[1] Refer to on how to use our bug


Op dinsdag 17 maart 2020 23:40:33 CET schreef Alan Auerbach:

> Importing data from Quicken 2000 Home & Business revealed a bug after many

> unsuccessful attempts. I found that if a split transaction has any blank

> lines before the first line with data, the import will fail. I eventually

> located all the records with blank lines in the splits, moved the actual

> data to those blank lines, reran the import and completed it successfully.

> Now that I have resolved the issue for myself, there is nothing that I

> but I thought that the information would be useful for others and/or for

> development.




> I am very pleased with the application after just a few days. Thank you.




> Best wishes,

> /s/ Alan Auerbach

> 14343 North Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard, Apt. 1009

> Scottsdale, AZ 85260-3634

> (480) 657-7543 Home

> (480) 922-0484 Text

> (844) 395-7098 Fax




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