Op dinsdag 21 april 2020 15:01:33 CEST schreef Mark:
> My bindings are built from the git source code for the 3.10 release
> (gnucash-3.10.tar.bz2):
> /opt/bin | Tue Apr 21 08:55:25 | marksa@Ares-A717-72G | bash 4.4.20
> 2013 > ./gnucash --version
> GnuCash 3.10
> Build ID: 3.10+(2020-04-11)
> So maybe I have a slightly later version of 3.10 where this bug was already
> fixed?

No, I don't think so. The fix was only included on 2020-04-12 and is not part 
of the release 

But there are several factors at play. Do you run "make install" ? If so, the 
python bindings 
would properly find the libraries in the installation directory. If not, they 
should be found in the 
build directory, but I expect that to fail without the aforementioned patch.


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