What happens to saved configs of old reports?

Does GC choke when you try to run one?

Is an error message generated?

If the reports are renamed (and maybe relocated) will this auto-map so the 
configs still work? Or will that just blow them up entirely anyway?

I’ll presume the configs won’t work on new reports since some options either 
won’t exist or have been changed.

I rarely run a default report except for testing or to see what a new user sees 
when they need help or someone thinks they found a bug. For my own use I have 
customized configs. (not so many I can’t re-create them, but it will be some 
effort to figure out how to re-create those reports with the new versions) I’m 
sure some users out there have extensive saved configs.


> On Apr 24, 2020 w17d115, at 10:08 PM, Christopher Lam 
> <christopher....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Users
> We hope the revamped reports have been useful and welcome to the community.
> With 4.0 round the corner, it is time to consider replacing the old reports
> with the experimental ones.
> Balance Sheet and Income Statement (Multicolumn) reports are now well
> tested, and can replace the previous ones; however not all options will or
> can survive the merge. This means most options will remain unchanged
> - accounts selection
> - target report currency (optional in new report)
> - some display options
> and obsolete options ignored/renamed e.g.:
> - asset/liability/equity individual labels/totals
> - accounting style rules
> - too many subtotal options
> Also the various business reports Customer/Employee/Vendor reports and
> Aging reports are now upgraded, and can supplant the old reports
> immediately. The newer reports do NOT need to specify an AP/AR account, and
> can show related business transactions.
> The question is how to handle old reports: hide (behind a seldom-used
> --extras argument), rename, or remove altogether. Any preference?
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