Hi Rob,

FYI - I've just installed 3.904 in case it makes a difference...

1) Well that's the issue I guess - accounts grow to fill the available
space :-) Gnucash has given me plenty of space/nesting ability over the
years so some of my account names are quite long eg "Assets:Fixed
Assets:Superannuation:Super - David:Super:Super Income Account" and
"Expenses:Mobile Phone:David:xxxxxxx:9999 999 999:Month to Month Plan".  So
when I revert to defaults (in transaction journal view) because there's
nothing in the split description and the transaction description is only
about 25 characters it looks a bit ridiculous to have the description
column so large and the account name truncated so severely.  I'm not sure
that "Expenses:Automobile:Gasoline" is a sufficiently good example to be
using to base the default column width on - even my auto expenses are
broken down by vehicle so end up looking more like "Expenses:Auto:Nissan
XTrail:Repairs and Maintenance".

2)  Perhaps it would be better to base it on the "Tot Funds Out" header
length which is 2 characters longer instead as that's what is being
truncated.  Yes I worked out that depending on which line was highlighted
the column headers/double clicking changed.  Second point seems to have
resolved itself - not sure if it was connected to the Tools-->General
default setting (point 3) that I used moments ago but the "Created
Transactions" tab now appears to be using the column widths I expected.

3)  Ah my bad - to my knowledge I have never used any Journals in Gnucash
in my life so didn't realise this would affect the scheduled txn layout -
all good now.

Also thanks to you and the other devs for all your hard work on gnucash, it
is much appreciated. As a former C# developer I know just how hard it can
be to keep everyone happy :-)

Cheers David H.

On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 23:06, Robert Fewell <14ubo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> David,
> Thanks for trying and the feedback, will try and answer your points...
> 1) The program default widths have not changed and are based on example
> strings in code. So for the account / transfer column it is based on
> "Expenses:Automobile:Gasoline" plus some space for the button. I added
> those accounts to my test book and it fitted exactly.
> 2) Same thing here but it is based on a number, "999,999.000". I did fix
> the double clicking on the header but you need the highlighted line to be
> on the transaction as opposed to the splits. Not sure I understand the
> second point.
> 3) Do not know why that is, you should be able to adjust the column widths
> and they will be remembered as before, this aspect has not been touched.
> The scheduled transactions template
>  is based on the REG_TYPE_GROUP_JOURNAL group so go to 'Tools->General
> Journal' and setup the desired widths from there. Will see if I can add the
> menu options to the template window.
> On Sun, 7 Jun 2020 at 00:29, David H <hell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Robert/Geert,
>> Thanks for that.  I only use Gnucash for my personal expenses so it looks
>> like I'm only using the first register group.  I've installed 3.903 and am
>> happy that my use case apart from scheduled transactions is generally
>> unaffected so will leave installed and continue using and if anything pops
>> out of the woodwork I'll post something here if that's the way to go.
>> For your info my setup is Win 10 Pro and I'm running gnucash on a 27"
>> monitor at 1920 x 1080 res and I always run it full screen.  Dual monitor
>> with laptop screen as secondary display.
>> A few minor things I did notice are as follows :-
>> 1. Reverting to default on a register seems to shrink the Transfer column
>> down a lot further than I expected and really truncates the column.
>> 2. When I review scheduled Created Transactions and revert to default it
>> also cuts off the left side of the "Tot Funds In" and "Tot Funds Out"
>> columns (see pic attached).  Also if I close without saving after reverting
>> to default when Gnucash restarts and recreates the txn's it doesn't pick up
>> the new default it seems to remain on the reverted view with the truncated
>> columns.  This is also after I go to another account register with good
>> columns and click on use as default for this group so it's like it's become
>> orphaned from the defaults.
>> 3. My list of scheduled txns seems to have shrunk the Name column.  Also
>> in all of the template transactions the account column has shrunk right
>> down and the Windows menu when you're in the template editor doesn't
>> include the new register default entries which leads me to thinks this is
>> possibly an unintended consequence and since I've got a lot of these I'm
>> probably have to go and re-adjust each one :-(
>> 4. If I go in and change the widths of some columns and then scroll up a
>> couple of pages of txns and decide "meh this isn't looking so good" I just
>> close the register and re-open it to get the defaults back so that's good.
>> Thanks David.
>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 18:34, Robert Fewell <14ubo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> David,
>>> There are 6 different layouts that all registers are based on as
>>> described below...
>>> Opening sub accounts uses the Portfolio layout.
>>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 00:31, David H <hell...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Geert,
>>>> Thanks for your explanation but I still don't understand what the 6
>>>> different register types you refer to are - can you point me to where
>>>> these
>>>> are described?
>>>> My reason for having different column widths is as previously posted ...
>>>> "... I have 2 savings accounts and 4 credit card accounts that I have
>>>> open
>>>> all the time and over the years I've gone to the trouble of setting
>>>> these
>>>> up just the way I like them.  Of course flicking through the register
>>>> tabs
>>>> the columns aren't all in the same places as I'm using accounts with
>>>> different nesting levels in each so the Transfer column widths vary even
>>>> within each account type.  Are you saying that these would be treated
>>>> as 2
>>>> register types and you are going to blow away all my good work and just
>>>> randomly choose one of the open settings as the default when you remove
>>>> old
>>>> configurations?  "
>>>> Why do I like things just the way they are ?  Well it generally depends
>>>> on
>>>> the level of nesting in my EXPENSES category - some of them are nested
>>>> to 6
>>>> levels deep so the TRANSFER column is wider in a couple of these
>>>> registers
>>>> and the DESCRIPTION column narrower than others.
>>>> It's like re-opening Gnucash and having the same tabs open I guess, if I
>>>> close a register tab and re-open it, it looks exactly the same as when I
>>>> left it :-)
>>>> I must confess that I did see this unfolding a little while ago on this
>>>> mailing list but it didn't sink in that you would be blowing all my
>>>> existing settings away altogether. I thought that this was only to set
>>>> up a
>>>> default for a register that hadn't yet been opened/didn't already have
>>>> settings...  My understanding of DEFAULT is that it's only a starting
>>>> point
>>>> and I assumed that my existing settings would remain unchanged even if
>>>> they
>>>> were different within the same register type.
>>>> However I appreciate that you can't please everyone and that things
>>>> have to
>>>> move on so I'm going to download this version, backup my existing
>>>> settings,
>>>> install on one of my Windows pc's and see what it messes with and if it
>>>> really is going to upset my apple cart :-)
>>>> Happy to provide feedback as to whether I see it as an issue after I
>>>> see it
>>>> in practice...
>>>> It might also be beneficial to explain what's happening on the wider
>>>> user
>>>> list before it goes live, I don't think I've seen any mention of this
>>>> change there.  I know you said you are responding to complaints re
>>>> setting
>>>> register column widths but you know what they say "the noisy wheel gets
>>>> the
>>>> most oil" and it appears the silent majority are content with things as
>>>> is.
>>>> Getting rid of that hidden automatic expansion on the description column
>>>> will probably also alleviate some of the complaints.
>>>> Thanks David H.
>>>> On Sat, 6 Jun 2020 at 06:46, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be
>>>> >
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Op vrijdag 5 juni 2020 20:45:07 CEST schreef D via gnucash-devel:
>>>> > > Michael,
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The idea of default column widths makes sense, but the idea that a
>>>> user's
>>>> > > previously set preferences will no longer apply seems a little
>>>> backward.
>>>> > >
>>>> > Note default columns widths are not set automatically. GnuCash can't
>>>> know
>>>> > if you just tweaked
>>>> > a column temporarily for whatever reason or you want this to be the
>>>> > default for a given register
>>>> > type. So to set defaults the user has to select the appropriate
>>>> command in
>>>> > the Windows menu.
>>>> >
>>>> > As there are no account level presets any more, how can GnuCash know
>>>> which
>>>> > preferences to
>>>> > apply if you have different preferences for different accounts in the
>>>> same
>>>> > register type group ?
>>>> > At best we can read them once and convert them to preferences for an
>>>> open
>>>> > tab (which is not
>>>> > the same as preferences for a given account). Once you close the tab
>>>> the
>>>> > tab preferences are
>>>> > gone with it.
>>>> >
>>>> > As for motivations to drop account level presets, read on.
>>>> >
>>>> > > I am curious to know more about the thought process that arrived at
>>>> this
>>>> > > solution. I'd have thought that storing per account column settings
>>>> > > wouldn't cause too much storage problem, and I would imagine the
>>>> register
>>>> > > opening process could look, in order, for an account-specific column
>>>> > record
>>>> > > by guid, and, upon failure, the default for that account type in
>>>> > question.
>>>> > > I wouldn't imagine that such a process would be onerous even for the
>>>> > > largest of gnucash books. But, I am no programmer.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > David
>>>> > >
>>>> >
>>>> > Here are a few situations that we have been evaluating when working
>>>> with a
>>>> > three level column
>>>> > width settings schema (auto calculated/per register type/per account:
>>>> >
>>>> > 1. User opens account A, tweaks the date column say because gnucash
>>>> poorly
>>>> > calculates it. This
>>>> > will be saved for that particular account. Rince and repeat for
>>>> account B,
>>>> > account C,... In the end
>>>> > the user has a number of accounts which all have a custom width for
>>>> date
>>>> > that is always slightly
>>>> > different because it was set manually each time.
>>>> > => This is a very good use case for a register type level default.
>>>> > Actually even for a user-set
>>>> > system level default, but that would add even an additional level.
>>>> Three
>>>> > gets complicated
>>>> > enough so lets stick to register-level default.
>>>> > 2. So user learns one can also set a register level default. User
>>>> opens
>>>> > one of the plenty of
>>>> > tweaked accounts and sets it as default. This will now work happily
>>>> for
>>>> > all accounts that didn't
>>>> > have any default set. But the ones that were tweaked won't change,
>>>> because
>>>> > for those accounts
>>>> > the account level user selection takes precedence.
>>>> > 3. Imagine the user was not too careful and had widened some date
>>>> fields
>>>> > way too much while
>>>> > still manually setting those. So for these the user would now want a
>>>> way
>>>> > to also set the default.
>>>> > But which default ? In this particular use case probably the one set
>>>> for
>>>> > the register type.
>>>> > However in another use case the user would rather reset to auto
>>>> calculated
>>>> > default (for example
>>>> > because the bug that wrongly calculated the default is now fixed). So
>>>> that
>>>> > already needs two
>>>> > methods to reset to default and the user has to make a decision which
>>>> one
>>>> > is correct for his/her
>>>> > particular use case. Which means the user has to learn the difference
>>>> and
>>>> > understand how the
>>>> > levels interact. That distracts from the actual job at hand -
>>>> accounting.
>>>> > (And yes, I do
>>>> > understand that messing up your carefully set column widths during an
>>>> > upgrade also distracts
>>>> > from that. The hope here is that it only happens once though to fix a
>>>> > wider set of problems).
>>>> >
>>>> > It gets worse. The example above was to deal with a poorly calculated
>>>> > default width. Imagine
>>>> > that after step 1. and before step 2 the user had also tweaked another
>>>> > column (say the balance
>>>> > column) in a few accounts and not in others where you also changed the
>>>> > date column.
>>>> >
>>>> > And *then* the user remembers one can set register level defaults. So
>>>> the
>>>> > user opens say
>>>> > account A in which the date column was changed and the balance column
>>>> > wasn't and marks
>>>> > that layout as default with the intention to correct that stupid date
>>>> > column once and for all.
>>>> > Now the net result is pretty confusing:
>>>> > - All unchanged registers will use the new default
>>>> > - All registers in which the user manually fixed the date column will
>>>> not
>>>> > change, but it's not
>>>> > obvious because the new date column width still resembles the width
>>>> that
>>>> > was set as default.
>>>> > - All registers with unchanged date column but changed balance column
>>>> will
>>>> > still have an
>>>> > unchanged date column and a changed balance column. (Huh, why did
>>>> setting
>>>> > default not work
>>>> > !?)
>>>> >
>>>> > Next the user also remembers the new balance width is more useful and
>>>> > would like to set it as
>>>> > default. So the user opens a register for which s/he remembers the
>>>> balance
>>>> > column was set as
>>>> > desired. However the date column is not. So the user again has to
>>>> make a
>>>> > decision here: if s/he
>>>> > chooses to set this register layout as default, the change to the date
>>>> > column is lost:
>>>> > - Opening unchanged account registers now have a proper balance
>>>> column but
>>>> > the date column
>>>> > has been reset to the old undesired default
>>>> > - Registers for which the date column was already tweaked (and the
>>>> user
>>>> > after the previous step
>>>> > might mistakenly believe were using the new default because it's
>>>> close to
>>>> > what the default is)
>>>> > do not update to the new balance column.
>>>> > The user could also decide to first change the date column as well and
>>>> > then set the default.
>>>> > Results are similar and very confusing.
>>>> >
>>>> > Now let time pass by and let the user tweak a column here or there in
>>>> some
>>>> > accounts.
>>>> > Eventually the register-type level defaults become more or less
>>>> > meaningless because each
>>>> > manual change to a single account will cause the register-type level
>>>> > default to be ignored for
>>>> > that account. The larger the book, the bigger this problem gets.
>>>> >
>>>> > And that will eventually bring us back to the original user complaint
>>>> that
>>>> > triggered us to rework
>>>> > the column width logic: after some time the only way to change
>>>> columns is
>>>> > to do it for each
>>>> > account individually (because that mode is greedy). And from the
>>>> > complaints it looks like that's
>>>> > exactly what most users don't want.
>>>> >
>>>> > That's just a few of the scenarios I remember.
>>>> >
>>>> > Many of these issues can no doubt be solved by throwing more code at
>>>> it
>>>> > though I honestly
>>>> > doubt if such a complex starting point can really lead to a good user
>>>> > experience. Given the
>>>> > complexity this would bring plenty of confusion and distraction for
>>>> most
>>>> > users.
>>>> > And then the available developer time enters the mix. As we know that
>>>> is
>>>> > limited and in this
>>>> > case I believe the added complexity doesn't bring enough benefit to be
>>>> > worth the extra effort.
>>>> >
>>>> > Having said all that, I acknowledge it disrupts your workflow. There
>>>> are
>>>> > two parts to this I can
>>>> > see:
>>>> > 1. the column layouts you have set seem not to be taken into account.
>>>> I
>>>> > can't tell exactly what
>>>> > happens from the information you have given so far. Perhaps we can
>>>> recover
>>>> > more of your
>>>> > existing column settings with a smarter migration path, perhaps not.
>>>> > 2. you seem to value dedicated column layouts per account. What is
>>>> your
>>>> > specific use case to
>>>> > want different column widths for *every* register you open ?
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards,
>>>> >
>>>> > Geert
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