They're in the View menu now, and I forgot to change it in the release notes.

John Ralls

> On Jun 28, 2020, at 2:12 PM, David H <> wrote:
> Also I'm not seeing this on MacOS Catalina after upgrading from 3.906 to 4.0, 
> even though I was seeing it on 3.906...
> Two menu items are added to the Windows menu when a Register, Bill, Invoice, 
> or Voucher tab has focus:
>                 • Use as Default Layout for this Register Group
>                 • Reset Default Layout for this Register Group
> And yes it says version 4.0 when opening up :-)
> Cheers David H.
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 07:02, David H <> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for that, just an fyi that the dmg pops up with the name Gnucash-3.906 
> when opened on my desktop instead of 4.01 ??
> Cheers David H.
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 05:09, John Ralls <> wrote:
> You were a bit too fast, I hadn't uncloaked the directory yet; I just did. 
> But don't you want
>  ?
> Regards,
> John Ralls
> > On Jun 28, 2020, at 12:04 PM, jean laroche <> wrote:
> > 
> > John,
> > 
> > This link
> > 
> >
> > 
> > is apparently broken!
> > But thanks for the new release!!!
> > J.
> > 
> > 
> > On 6/28/2020 11:53 AM, John Ralls wrote:
> >> The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.0
> >> 
> >> Changes
> >> 
> >> Baseline requirements
> >> 
> >> Operating Systems:
> >> 
> >>      • Linux: Ubuntu 18.04LTS
> >>      • MacOS: 10.13
> >>      • Windows: 8.1
> >> Software Dependencies:
> >> 
> >>      • C++ standard is now C++17, requires gcc 8.0 or clang 6.0.
> >>      • Cmake 3.10
> >>      • boost 1.67.0
> >>      • gettext 0.19.6 for general use, 0.20 to generate gnucash.pot.
> >>      • glib-2.0 2.56.1, gtk 3.22.30
> >>      • googletest 1.8.0
> >>      • ICU, any version.
> >>      • libdbi 0.8.3
> >>      • libxml2 2.9.4
> >>      • swig 3.0.12 Now required for building from tarballs as well as from 
> >> git.
> >>      • Webkit 2.4.11 Mac & Win32, 2.14.1 Linux/BSD
> >> New Features
> >> 
> >>      • A new separate executable, gnucash-cli (gnucash-cli.exe on 
> >> Microsoft Windows) for doing command-line things like updating the prices 
> >> in your book. gnucash-cli gains the ability to run reports from the 
> >> command line. Specify reports to run by name or guid. It also provides an 
> >> export format and an output file name without which it will output the 
> >> report to stdout.
> >>              • gnucash-cli --report run --name=[reportname/guid] 
> >> datafile.gnucash
> >>              • gnucash-cli --report run --name=[reportname/guid] 
> >> --output-file=x.html datafile.gnucash
> >>              • gnucash-cli --report run --name=[reportname/guid] 
> >> --output-file=x.html --export-type=TYPE datafile.gnucash
> >>      • Register Column Widths
> >> Register column widths are no longer saved per-account except for open 
> >> tabs and even widths for open tabs will be reset after upgrading from 3.x 
> >> or earlier. Instead widths are saved by register type group. The type 
> >> groups are:
> >> 
> >>              • Currency: Ledgers that display amount in debit and credit 
> >> columns.
> >>              • APAR: Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable accounts.
> >>              • Stock: Ledgers that display amount in a single column with 
> >> additional columns for Price and Value, the last in Debit and Credit 
> >> columns.
> >>              • Journal: Ledgers displaying transactions from multiple 
> >> accounts where all accounts would be displayed with a Currency type ledger.
> >>              • Portfolio: Ledgers displaying transactions from multiple 
> >> accounts where one or more accounts would be displayed with a Stock type 
> >> ledger.
> >>              • Customer: Ledgers embedded in invoices.
> >>              • Employee: Ledgers embedded in expense vouchers.
> >>              • Vendor: Ledgers embedded in bills.
> >> Two menu items are added to the Windows menu when a Register, Bill, 
> >> Invoice, or Voucher tab has focus:
> >> 
> >>              • Use as Default Layout for this Register Group
> >>              • Reset Default Layout for this Register Group
> >> The first saves the currently focused register's column widths and saves 
> >> them for use by all registers in the same type group. Note that currently 
> >> open registers will not be affected until they are closed and reopened, 
> >> and that open registers widths will persist through quitting and 
> >> restarting GnuCash. The second menu item removes the customization and 
> >> registers of that type group will therafter use the computed default 
> >> widths.
> >>      • When deleting accounts the destination accounts of moved splits 
> >> will be checked to ensure that they have the same commodity as the source 
> >> account. If they don't you'll get a warning and the opportunity to pick 
> >> another account or to carry on regardless.
> >>      • New type-ahead search added to sequential search when selecting an 
> >> account in the register: Instead of typing the first few characters of a 
> >> top level account, the separator, the first few characters of the next 
> >> level account and so on you may instead type a few characters of any part 
> >> of a full account name and the drop-list will be filtered to contain only 
> >> matching accounts. Once you have a small enough list you can use the arrow 
> >> keys to select the account that you want.
> >>      • Python bindings are now localized and their strings available for 
> >> translation.
> >>      • A new Transaction Association dialog, available from the Update 
> >> Association for Transaction menu item that has replaced the two 
> >> association items in 3.x, allows setting, changing, and deleting 
> >> associations.
> >>      • Allow Associations to be added to invoices. The actual association 
> >> when present is added as a link button which is shown below the notes.
> >>      • A symbol is now displayed on transactions in the register when they 
> >> have an attachment and the selected font supports the symbol.
> >>      • The OFX file importer can now import more than one file at a time.
> >>      • A new report menu supbmenu Multicolumn contains the old 
> >> custom-multicolumn report and a new Dashboard report containing Account 
> >> reports for expenses and income, an income-expense chart, and an account 
> >> summary.
> >>      • Support for UK VAT and Australian GST added to the Income-GST 
> >> report. The reports options are changed from source accounts to source 
> >> sales and purchase accounts to permit proper reporting of capital 
> >> purchases. N.B. This is incompatible with previous versions of the report 
> >> and will require regenerating saved configurations.
> >>      • The matcher window columns are changed from R to C and from U+R to 
> >> U+C, reflecting that the matcher marks transactions cleared but doesn't 
> >> reconcile them. (Bug 797338)
> >>      • OFX imports having balance information will now offer to 
> >> immediately reconcile, passing the balance information in the file to the 
> >> reconcile info.
> >>      • Improve quickfill in the account pickers to filter the choices 
> >> based on any part of the name.
> >>      • The GnuCash widget hierarchy for CSS has been revised to be more 
> >> consistent with Gtk practice. You may need to spend some time with the 
> >> GtkInspector to get your custom CSS back the way you like it.
> >>      • When creating a new account hierarchy it's now possible to load 
> >> account templates from locales other than the one set for the user 
> >> interface. (Bug 797472)
> >>      • New Account - Online Account match list to the Import Map Editor.
> >>      • New invalid maps dialog in the Import Map Editor. (Bug 797612)
> >>      • Optionally include the account code option in budget view.
> >>      • Account matcher will decline to match accounts with a different 
> >> commodity from the imported split if the import information includes the 
> >> commodity.
> >>      • Ellipsize the Description and Memo fields in the account matcher.
> >>      • Enable adding notes to budgets. (Bug 693180)
> >>      • Support for AQBanking Version 6. This is required to support new 
> >> FinTS protocols for the European Payment Services Directive (PSD2).
> >>      • GnuCash 4.x will not migrate old gconf settings from GnuCash 2.4.x.
> >>      • Reversing transactions will now pop a dialog box to request a 
> >> posting date. (Bug 782455)
> >>      • The Accounts page has a new optional column for the hidden property 
> >> to make it easier to toggle it. Note that in order to see hidden accounts 
> >> you must still enable that in the Filter by... dialog. (Bug 797486)
> >>      • The Customer, Vendor, and Employee overviews have a process-payment 
> >> toolbar. (Bug 797605).
> >>      • Account codes may now optionally be displayed in the Budget Tree 
> >> View. (Bug 797489).
> >> New/Revised Reports
> >> 
> >>      • Income-GST
> >>      • Owner Report
> >> 
> >> Significant Code Changes
> >> 
> >>      • The signature for qof_session_begin(), QofSession::begin(), and 
> >> QofBackend::begin() are changed to use an enum SessionOpenMode instead of 
> >> three booleans.
> >>      • gnucash-bin.c has been split into 4 parts, mostly C++:
> >>              • gnucash.cpp, the GUI executable.
> >>              • gnucash-cli.cpp, the command-line executable.
> >>              • gnucash-commands.cpp, implementation for the commands that 
> >> can be run from the command-line.
> >>              • gnucash-app-core.cpp, common code required by both the 
> >> command line and gui programs.
> >>              • There's also an auxiliary file, gnucash-windows-locale.c 
> >> because the localization code proved resistant to compiling as C++. We're 
> >> planning another auxiliary file for the MacOS localization.
> >>      • A new mock facility for several engine classes to permit 
> >> better-isolated unit testing of components that depend on those classes.
> >>      • Register filter and sort values are saved in the book's state file 
> >> (book.gcm) in the user's configdir instead of in the book.
> >>      • QofSession no longer creates its book, instead one must create a 
> >> book first and pass that to qof_session_new()/QofSession::QofSession().
> >>      • Input Method handling in the register is moved to the GtkEntry 
> >> where it belongs.
> >>      • gnc_get_current_session() no longer creates an empty session if 
> >> there isn't one already open.
> >>      • The source directories have been rearranged and most of the 
> >> loadable modules (e.g. are now normal dynamic 
> >> libraries (, shorn of their gnc-module adapters. Make 
> >> sure that you clean and rebuild your build directory.
> >>      • All functions marked as deprecated in 3.x are now removed. If you 
> >> have custom reports be sure to examine gnucash.trace for deprecation 
> >> warnings and update your reports before trying them in GnuCash 4.0.
> >>      • libgncmod-generic-import is now libgnc-generic-import.
> >>      • Scheme no longer uses libgncmodule, always do (use-modules (gnucash 
> >> foo))
> >>      • Autocompletion improvements for the transfer-account field.
> >>      • New test for invalid mappings for online accounts and a dialog to 
> >> fix them.
> >>      • jqplot is replaced by chartjs.
> >>      • Separate most Guile binding code from the code that it wraps. It's 
> >> now located in bindings/guile.
> >>      • Improve Google test integration in cmake. CMake now requires only 
> >> GTEST_ROOT and only when cmake isn't able to find Google test without help.
> >>      • Unit tests for Scheme code with SRFI64.
> >> Deprecations (will be removed in GnuCash 5.0
> >> 
> >>      • gnc:substring-replace-from-to
> >> Known Problems
> >> 
> >> Complete list of all open bugs.
> >> 
> >> .
> >> Documentation
> >> 
> >> Concurrent with the release of GnuCash 4.0 we're pleased to also release a 
> >> new version of the companion Help and Tutorial and Concepts Guide
> >> 
> >> Getting GnuCash for Windows and MacOS
> >> 
> >> GnuCash is provided for both Microsoft Windows 8.1® and later and MacOS 
> >> 10.13 (High Sierra)® and later in pre-built, all-in-one packages. An 
> >> installer is provided for Microsoft Windows® while the MacOS® package is a 
> >> disk image containing a drag-and-drop application bundle.
> >> 
> >> The SHA256 Hashes for the downloadable files are:
> >> 
> >>      • aa523c4f1721b19ff51ac534c049644f175e3c3c01139555eb3d9cfa50949bb7  
> >> gnucash-4.0.tar.bz2
> >>      • 956da4f9e0301f02291d0b840c2ef2027c5b65a03bd42cf8df966d2407eb5330  
> >> gnucash-4.0.tar.gz
> >>      • 66dae273935f57714ee36e0b761f00f63f3802598752b9cc02b568a0a07d2032  
> >> gnucash-4.0.setup.exe
> >>      • f49fbcca3766104d7dcf5ef6d65bf9b6deceee3afc9f472c64cfc62e67b32e22  
> >> Gnucash-Intel-4.0-1.dmg
> >>      • 519f4e83d964be92b0cfcda93b8322eb38d3e3626e52070505c4a28b65302ce0  
> >> gnucash-docs-4.0.tar.gz
> >> 
> >> Windows:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >> 
> >> MacOS:
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> GnuCash is now available as a flatpak from Instructions for 
> >> installing and running.
> >> 
> >> Getting GnuCash as source code
> >> If you want to compile GnuCash 4.0 for yourself, the source code can be 
> >> downloaded from:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> You can also checkout the sources directly from the git repository, see
> >> for instructions.
> >> 
> >> To compile GnuCash from the source code by yourself, you will need at 
> >> least Gtk+ 3.22.29, Guile 2.0, Boost 1.67, WebKitGtk 2.4, GoogleTest 
> >> 1.8.0, cmake 3.10 and SWIG 2.0.12 if compiling from git. Please consult 
> >> the README.dependencies file in the sources for the exact list of 
> >> dependencies and versions.
> >> 
> >> Getting the documentation
> >> 
> >> If you want to compile the GnuCash Documentation 4.0 for yourself, the 
> >> source code can be downloaded from:
> >>
> >>
> >> 
> >> Note that the documentation for stable releases is not on the GnuCash 
> >> website. It is built daily and may be found on the development server 
> >> under the locale directory; "C" is English, "de" is German, and so on.
> >> 
> >> The documentation is included in the MacOS and Windows application bundles.
> >> About the Program
> >> 
> >> GnuCash is a free, open source accounting program released under the GNU 
> >> General Public License (GPL) and available for GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, 
> >> MacOS, and Microsoft Windows. Programming on GnuCash began in 1997, and 
> >> its first stable release was in 1998.
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> gnucash-devel mailing list
> >>
> >>
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > gnucash-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> gnucash-devel mailing list

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