> On Sep 28, 2021, at 5:55 PM, Chris Good <goodchri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 12:20:57 +0200
> From: Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be>
> To: davidcousen...@gmail.com, gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
> Cc: GnuCash Developers <gnucash-de...@lists.gnucash.org>, john
>       <jra...@ceridwen.us>
> Subject: Re: [GNC-dev] GnuCash 4.7 Released
> Message-ID: <4683663.31r3eyu...@legolas.kobaltwit.lan>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> What I thought to be the problem yesterday turned out to only be an indirect
> indication of the problem. I now blame a subtle change in the build order to
> be the actual source of the issue.
> I have applied a fix to maint, which seems to work well in all my tests
> (both building with ninja or make). It would be helpful if others can build
> our current maint branch report their results here as well.
> Regards,
> Geert
> Hi Geert,
> I've just recreated my main maint repo (head is now d561cc6)  and build in
> eclipse fails:
> ...
> 369/956] Generating
> org.gnucash.GnuCash.window.pages.account.tree.gschema.valid
> [370/956] Generating ../../share/gnucash/migratable-prefs.xml
> FAILED: share/gnucash/migratable-prefs.xml 
> cd /home/cgood/gnucash-maint/build/gnucash/gschemas && /usr/bin/cmake -E cat
> /home/cgood/gnucash-maint/src/gnucash/import-export/aqb/gschemas/migratable-
> prefs.xml
> /home/cgood/gnucash-maint/src/gnucash/import-export/ofx/gschemas/migratable-
> prefs.xml
> /home/cgood/gnucash-maint/src/gnucash/gschemas/migratable-prefs.xml >
> /home/cgood/gnucash-maint/build/share/gnucash/migratable-prefs.xml
> CMake Error: cmake version 3.16.3
> Usage: /usr/bin/cmake -E <command> [arguments...]
> Available commands: 
>  capabilities              - Report capabilities built into cmake in JSON
> format
>  chdir dir cmd [args...]   - run command in a given directory
>  compare_files [--ignore-eol] file1 file2
>                              - check if file1 is same as file2
>  copy <file>... destination  - copy files to destination (either file or
> directory)
>  copy_directory <dir>... destination   - copy content of <dir>...
> directories to 'destination' directory
>  copy_if_different <file>... destination  - copy files if it has changed
>  echo [<string>...]        - displays arguments as text
>  echo_append [<string>...] - displays arguments as text but no new line
>  env [--unset=NAME]... [NAME=VALUE]... COMMAND [ARG]...
>                            - run command in a modified environment
>  environment               - display the current environment
>  make_directory <dir>...   - create parent and <dir> directories
>  md5sum <file>...          - create MD5 checksum of files
>  sha1sum <file>...         - create SHA1 checksum of files
>  sha224sum <file>...       - create SHA224 checksum of files
>  sha256sum <file>...       - create SHA256 checksum of files
>  sha384sum <file>...       - create SHA384 checksum of files
>  sha512sum <file>...       - create SHA512 checksum of files
>  remove [-f] <file>...     - remove the file(s), use -f to force it
>  remove_directory <dir>... - remove directories and their contents
>  rename oldname newname    - rename a file or directory (on one volume)
>  server                    - start cmake in server mode
>  sleep <number>...         - sleep for given number of seconds
>  tar [cxt][vf][zjJ] file.tar [file/dir1 file/dir2 ...]
>                            - create or extract a tar or zip archive
>  time command [args...]    - run command and display elapsed time
>  touch <file>...           - touch a <file>.
>  touch_nocreate <file>...  - touch a <file> but do not create it.
>  create_symlink old new    - create a symbolic link new -> old
>  true                      - do nothing with an exit code of 0
>  false                     - do nothing with an exit code of 1
> [371/956] Generating org.gnucash.GnuCash.window.pages.gschema.valid
> [372/956] Generating
> ../../share/guile/site/2.0/gnucash/engine/commodity-table.scm
> [373/956] Generating swig-core-utils-guile.c
> [374/956] Linking CXX shared library lib/libgnc-engine.so
> [375/956] Generating gnucash.desktop.in
> ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
> "/usr/bin/ninja all" terminated with exit code 1. Build might be incomplete.
> 10:31:36 Build Finished. 0 errors, 0 warnings. (took 41s.326ms)
> Full log attached.
> I see immediately afterwards, John pushed 29e7b07 Remove superfluous
> schema_source left over from pasting, so I pulled that too but same error.


Please read the GnuCash 4.8 Released thread with David Cousens for the 


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