Hi John,

Op maandag 6 december 2021 20:26:39 CET schreef john:
> Geert,
> This is hilarious. In that post Mr. Braam says that he maintains his
> Megapixels project on SourceHut. Follow the link. Right at the top it says
> "The development and maintainership of Megapixels has been moved to
> gitlab.com/postmarketos/megapixels
> <http://gitlab.com/postmarketos/megapixels>"! That aside, the workflow
> promoted there depends on hosting at SourceHut; it's (not Free or even open
> source AFAICT) software is what provides the patch tracker.
Hilarious indeed. Again I didn't follow through very deeply and missed plenty 
of these 


> I'm a little puzzled by your complaint about git am saving you context
> switches. Have you tried `git pull --no-ff https://github.com/user/gnucash/
> <https://github.com/user/gnucash/> pr-branch`? You can copy and paste the
> line (minus the --no-ff) directly from the Github Conversation tab after
> clicking the "command line instructions" link (don't follow the
> instructions, most of the steps are unnecessary). If you prefer to do that
> in a local branch then be sure to change the merge commit message to say
> "into maint" so that you can ff-merge the local branch into maint.
Even after years of using it, clearly I missed that hint. So yes that point is 
equally moot in 
my discourse.

> While searching for software to track mailing list patch submissions I found
> this: https://lwn.net/Articles/860607/ <https://lwn.net/Articles/860607/>,
> "Pulling GitHub into the kernel process". It's an interesting discussion of
> lots of alternatives that the kernel teams are considering.
> https://begriffs.com/posts/2018-06-05-mailing-list-vs-github.html
> <https://begriffs.com/posts/2018-06-05-mailing-list-vs-github.html> is
> another interesting post that mentions
> https://github.com/getpatchwork/patchwork
> <https://github.com/getpatchwork/patchwork> for tracking patch status from
> a mailing list. I found only one other, https://github.com/lu-zero/plaid
> <https://github.com/lu-zero/plaid>, which says it's a patchwork derivative.

I'll read this discussion later. Thanks for the pointers.

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