This exercise has left me with a few questions about

   1. I'm not clear on the scheme terminology. What are the lines in the
   top-level definitions I labelled initialise values? I understand they are
   not constants and I'd normally call it initialising or assigning variables.
   2. Why does the section referred to in the above point normally only
   contain option name and help but not default, section, or sort order?
   3. If option sections are defined, does a default section need to be set?
   4. Can a default General section be added to? It seems not and the whole
   thig must be created.
   5. The formatting style is different to most standard reports. Does it
   need updating?
   6. How can I make the version number bold:
   7. What is the best way of understanding/searching the api? Things like
   html format and date interval below or tracing from date intervalin other
   reports back to the specific date.
   8. I'm still not clear on things like let, let*, and nested let.
   9. There seems to be some sort of git corruption. How can I move this
   forward as a contribution?
   10. > [raised previously] I'm not sure if version or report-guid should
   be updated.
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