I'm trying to generate a tax report (federal 1040) for entry into my tax 
software, as I do every year and have never ran into this issue.

Not sure of the version of GNC I'm running on Windows 10.  Running Version 4.13 
Build ID: Flathub 4.13 Finance Quote: 1.5301 under Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Both versions are including a transaction from 07/02/2020 when the date range for the 
report is 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. The transaction of concern is listed as "Tax 
Report Only - No TXF Export".

I have limited internet access right now so I can not confirm that this is a 
known bug.  My concern is that the report may also be skipping transactions 
from 2022.  I have exported the report as a pdf file with no options selected 
other than the time frame, and the transaction shows up there as well.  If I 
edit the options to suppress $0, no printing of full account names/action:memo 
data/transaction detail, and print TXF export parameters, the errant 
transaction shows up.

Any ideas why?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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