I working on the GnuCash documentation I found more than a few times
that I got totally confused where to find something on the menu's. I
decided therefore to do a proposal to reorganise the menus.

The two attached pictures are of the current menu's. I look forward to 
any feedback on this proposal. I will also be attempting to do a mockup
of the changes using the present menu code in GnuCash. I expect some 
parts will be to difficult for my limited skills to do.


Attachment: gnucash-menus.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: gnucash-register.png
Description: PNG image

Improving the GnuCash Menus.

This document is intended as a discussion piece for improving the menu layout in 
Currently, as part of writing up the documentation on GnuCash, I sometimes find it 
if not confusing, to figure out the purpose and functionality of some parts of 
GnuCash. I
have tried where possible in making up this document to incorporate design suggestions 
the GNOME Usability Project.

The Current Layout:

GnuCash currently has 2 different menu's used in its UI. One for the Chart of accounts 
and a 
different one for the Register. Other windows in Gnucash exist but these tend not to 
use menu's.
I have attached 2 composite screenshots displaying the current layout.


I propose to apply these changes to the menu configuration in order to make the menu's 
consistent and easier to use.


Chart of Accounts View:

File Menu:
This should contain items relating to creating, opening, saving, closing and printing 
and for exiting. There is currently a mix of places in both the Register view and the 
chart of 
accounts where these menu items are. I suggest making this menu appear in both views 
and having
a standardised set of items.

New File           Ctrl-N
New Account
New Account Tree
Open File...       Ctrl-O
Open Account
Open Sub-Account
Open Recent        >            # To submenu
Save               Ctrl-S
Save As...
Import QIF File...
Export Accounts...
Export Report                           # Greyed out apart from when viewing a report
Print              Ctrl-P
Print Check...
Close              Ctrl-W       # Closes the current window in chart of accounts
Close All Windows               # Closes all registers and chart of accounts windows 
apart from default
Quit GnuCash       Ctrl-Q


Edit Menu:
This should contain items relating to editing the account, clipboard handling, 
selection and 
searching and replacing. This menu should also be made to appear in both views and 
have a standard 
set of items.

Cut                Ctrl-X  # Cut, Copy, Paste to clipboard parts of current view
Copy               Ctrl-C  # Greyed out apart from report views
Paste              Ctrl-V  # 
Edit Account
Delete Account
Check & Repair     >            # To submenu
Cut Transaction                         # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Copy Transaction                        # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Paste Transaction                       # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Find Transactions  Ctrl-F
Edit Report Options                     # This exists as a toolbar button. Merge into 
this dialog Style Sheets
Tax Options                             # Was Tax Information
Options...                              # Was Preferences


View Menu:
This should contain items relating to manipulating the way the interface looks such as 
changing the 
look of the toolbar, formatting fonts and sort order of items. This menu should also 
have a standard
set of items

Refresh            Ctrl-R       # Reload report
Hide Toolbar                            # These 3 are probably in preferences. It 
would be 
Hide Status Bar                         # nice to turn them off if you were wanting to 
Hide Summary Bar                        # display space for a report on a small screen.
Sort Order         >            # To submenus 
Date Range         >            # You should be able to set the display
Style              >            # up before you open the account


Transactions Menu:
This should be mostly greyed out in this view as it is primarily used to manipulate 
in the register view.

Enter                           # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Cancel                          # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Delete                          # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Blank                           # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Duplicate                       # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Split                           # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Jump                            # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Stock Split...

Reports Menu:
This should contain items relating to manipulating reports.

Account Summary
Assets & Liabilties >           # To submenus 
Income & Expense    >           # To submenus 
Invoice                                 # Greyed out as only used in Register view
Transaction Report
Tax Report & Export                     # was Tax Report/TXF Export
Sample & Custom Reports >   # was Utility


This should contain items that are useful additions to the basic functionality.

General Ledger
Scheduled Transactions >                # To submenus
Price Editor
Commodity Editor
Financial Calculator


This should contain items related to helping the user and about the program.

Tips of the Day


Register View:

File Menu:
This should contain items relating to creating, opening, saving, closing and printing 
and for exiting. There is currently a mix of places in both the Register view and the 
chart of 
accounts where these menu items are. I suggest making this menu appear in both views 
and having
a standardised set of items.

New File           Ctrl-N       # Greyed out as only used in Chart of Accounts view
New Account
New Account Tree                        # Greyed out as only used in Chart of Accounts 
Open File...       Ctrl-O       # Greyed out as only used in Chart of Accounts view
Open Account                            # Greyed out as only used in Chart of Accounts 
Open Sub-Account                        # Greyed out as only used in Chart of Accounts 
Open Recent        >            # To submenu, Greyed out as only used in Chart of 
Accounts view
Save               Ctrl-S
Save As...
Import Qif...
Export Accounts...
Export Report                           # Greyed out apart from when viewing a report
Print              Ctrl-P
Print Check...
Close              Ctrl-W       # Closes the current window in chart of accounts
Close All Windows               # Closes all registers and chart of accounts windows 
apart from default
Quit GnuCash       Ctrl-Q


Edit Menu:
This should contain items relating to editing the account, clipboard handling, 
selection and 
searching and replacing. This menu should also be made to appear in both views and 
have a standard 
set of items.

Cut                Ctrl-X  # Cut, Copy, Paste to clipboard parts of current view
Copy               Ctrl-C  # Greyed out apart from report views
Paste              Ctrl-V  # 
Edit Account
Delete Account                          # Greyed out as only used in Chart of Accounts 
Check & Repair     >            # To submenu
Cut Transaction                         
Copy Transaction                        
Paste Transaction                       
Find Transactions  Ctrl-F
Edit Report Options                     # This exists as a toolbar button. Merge into 
this dialog Style Sheets
Account Tax Options                     # Was Tax Information
Options...                              # Was Preferences


View Menu:
This should contain items relating to manipulating the way the interface looks such as 
changing the 
look of the toolbar, formatting fonts and sort order of items. This menu should also 
have a standard
set of items

Refresh            Ctrl-R       # Reload report
Hide Toolbar                            # These 3 are probably in preferences. It 
would be 
Hide Status Bar                         # nice to turn them off if you were wanting to 
Hide Summary Bar                        # display space for a report on a small screen.
Sort Order         >            # To submenus 
Date Range         >            # To submenus
Style              >            # To submenus


Transactions Menu:
This should be mostly greyed out in this view as it is primarily used to manipulate 
in the register view.

Stock Split...

Reports Menu:
This should contain items relating to manipulating reports.

Account Summary
Assets & Liabilties >           # To submenus 
Income & Expense    >           # To submenus 
Transaction Report
Tax Report & Export                     # was Tax Report/TXF Export
Sample & Custom Reports >   # was Utility


This should contain items that are useful additions to the basic functionality.

General Ledger
Scheduled Transactions >                # To submenus
Price Editor
Commodity Editor
Financial Calculator


This should contain items related to helping the user and about the program.

Tips of the Day


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