
I've attached a sample of an invoice import file that I recently prepared
and successfully loaded up.
If you change the "memberidn" to match your customer ID's and also change
the account names then it should work for you.

The key thing for me is sorting my source data by Member ID and then by
Date, before setting the ID column with the invoice number. Note how you
can have two lines with the same ID number one after the other - this
results in a multi-line invoice being imported.

I usually leave the header row in my source data - gnucash just spits it
out anyway. It only ever rejects data for me if the memberID does not match
an existing customer.

I'm pretty sure I've imported data like this without setting the ID column
at all, and Gnucash sets the ID number based on the number range set up in
the settings - Menu path File - Properties - Counters.

Hope this helps,..

Thanks & Regards,


On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Bruce Danielson <>

> Greetings - I am a new user, and I am trying out GnuCash on a rather odd
> application - I manage a couple of employee water clubs at work (for
> Sparkletts bottled water - since our employer won't spring for the water -
> pardon the pun).  I have it setup as a business type of accounting.  I'm
> trying this on the smaller & newer of the clubs I manage.  Weird I know,
> but
> I want to make this work.  I am also treasurer of a non-profit, I wish I'd
> known about GnuCash before I went & bought QB.  But OK, for the water club
> -
> I was able to import a bunch of customers (club members) via a csv file I
> made from an Excel roster.  So far, so good.  I have an asset account
> called
> Cash On Hand which monthly dues will pay into, and water bills will be paid
> out of.  And I have only one Vendor (Sparkletts) and one applicable expense
> account (bottled water).
> Since I don't really want to produce 36 separate invoices each month for
> member dues, one at a time, I am hoping to find a way to sort of batch
> generate invoices.  I have tried numerous times making a small 2 line csv
> file from an excel table to import, and have run into several issues.  It
> is
> only 2 lines now because I have 2 customers that are late paying for May,
> so
> I thought I'd try this out on them.
> One issue is that if I leave the ID field blank, "import" does not self
> generate invoice ID's - but instead just ignores the lines.  OK - no
> worries, I can plug in invoice numbers in the excel table, that's not too
> much work.  The more serious issue is this, although the specific customers
> are C033 and C034 - when I import, both invoices generated are applied to
> one of the customers only (C033) and none to the other customer (C034).  I
> generate 2 invoices, but both for the same customer (C033).
> Import Invoices is not reading the customer (Owner ID) in the table and
> applying to the correct customer.  This I do not know how to work around.
> I'm looking for ideas or anything I may be doing wrong.  I have upgraded to
> the latest version 2.6.16 (rev 509ce16+) BTW.
> Really, if I cannot batch-make invoices, I can't make use of GnuCash.
> Trying to generate 36 (or so) individual invoices on the 1st of each month
> is not going to work for me.
> I know this is probably a better application for just using Excel, but I
> wanted to give this a try.  Actually if I could figure a way to batch email
> my batch prepared invoices, this would be totally awesome.
> Any feedback is appreciated.  I will be away from this email address for a
> couple of days, so no big emergency.
> Thanks,
> Buster
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> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
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id,date_opened,owner_id,billing_id,notes,date,description,action,account,quantity,price, disc_type, disc_how, discount, taxable, taxincluded, tax_table,date_posted,due_date, account_posted,memo_posted,accu_splits
2016-1755,10/01/2017,memberid1,,,10/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Membership Fees,1,50,,,,Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,10/01/2017,17/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1756,10/01/2017,memberid2,,,10/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,11.8,,,,,,,10/01/2017,17/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1757,17/01/2017,memberid3,,,17/01/2017,GST Applicable Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,7.19,,,,Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1757,17/01/2017,memberid3,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,121.02,,,,,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1758,17/01/2017,memberid4,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,70.64,,,,,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1759,17/01/2017,memberid5,,,17/01/2017,GST Applicable Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,10.25,,,,Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1759,17/01/2017,memberid5,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,31.07,,,,,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1760,17/01/2017,memberid6,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,30.85,,,,,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1762,17/01/2017,memberid7,,,17/01/2017,GST Applicable Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,7.19,,,,Y,Y,GST Inclusive Sales,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
2016-1762,17/01/2017,memberid7,,,17/01/2017,GST Free Stock Purchases,,Income:Sales,1,74.87,,,,,,,17/01/2017,24/01/2017,Assets:Accounts Receivable,,Y
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