The file with all your financial data on it is just a normal file. If you open GnuCash on your old computer and go to File -> Save as... the dialog which opens should show you the whereabouts of the file you currently have open, which is the file where your financial data resides. Save this file onto a usb stick, move it to the folder where you want your financial data to reside on your new PC, and then you will know where to go in the File -> Open dialog. There are some preferences which will not carry over with this file: you have been given links to info about the preferences file, which varies between operating systems, but if you're not certain about these you can just set up the preferences on your new system manually.



On 07/06/17 14:13, Edwin Humphreys wrote:
Thank you, Maf, but I am no wiser. I have copied all the files in Program Files 
(x86)/gnucash to the same location on the new PC. When opening GnuCash, there 
were a few 'cannot find entry point' messages but it did open. But what do I do 
then? My old details do not appear as they used to. I tried 'Open File' but I 
have no idea what file I am looking for.

Help - Edwin

-----Original Message-----
From: Maf. King []
Sent: Wednesday 7 June 2017 12:58
Cc: Edwin Humphreys <>
Subject: Re: New PC

Hi Edwin,

Just copy the datafile.  See the FAQ section 3 about backing up if you are 
unsure of file locations etc.


On Wednesday, 7 June 2017 12:34:16 BST Edwin Humphreys wrote:
I have GnuCash on an old PC, which I am now replacing. I can download
GnuCash onto the new PC, but how do I transfer my old finance details?
I have found nothing about this in your documentation or FAQs.

Thank you,

Dwin Tudor

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