John Ralls provided this information recently -

With the search engine of your choice using '' in your 
search terms.

On 07/19/17 13:34, Greg Feneis wrote:
Hi Serge,

I think the email list search link has been down for a long time.  There is
another way to search, someone who knows will be along shortly.

You may want to mention the version of GnuCash you're having trouble with,
and the operating system of your computer.

Kind regards,

Greg Feneis

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 12:18 PM, Serge Leblanc <> wrote:

I have been using GnuCash for over 2 months now, with no problem really
worth mentioning except that I get no contextual help and no icon's tool
tips displayed. For the problem related to Help, it seems similar to the
one mentioned about SuSE in the FAQ, but I don't see how to apply the patch
recommended. For the problem related to tool tips, I found no clue in FAQ.

Could anyone help me on those matters? I know there is a gnucash-user
Archives I could search, but the hyperlink given search the gnucash-user
Archives<> does not
work (Error 404).

Your help would be appreciated,

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