On Wednesday, 16 August 2017 16:10:24 BST Kenneth Theis wrote:
> Gentlemen,     I installed GnuCash software two years ago and used it a
> short time. Then I discontinued its use for a long period. Now I want to
> start again using the software. However, I find that it is designated at
> "read only,” whatever that means. I have tried to make entries in the
> software without success.
> I have tried everything I know to resume using the software, but have
> failed. I will appreciate suggestions as to how I can proceed with its use.
> Thanks for your help.
> Kenneth W. Theis

Hi Kenneth.

How does the software inform you that your books are read only?  Does it pop 
up a message at any particular point when you are using it - eg file open or 
trying to enter a transaction?

What about if you start a new file off?

Really, we need more info to offer meaningful help.  The version of GC that 
you have & the OS you are running would also be useful to know.


PS. There are more than just gentlemen on the list... unless you don't want 
everyone to consider offering help if they have an insight.... ;-)

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