> On Oct 18, 2017, at 9:14 PM, John R. Sowden <jsow...@americansentry.net> 
> wrote:
> 1. The program opens in the Cash-Checking Account journal register.  I 
> entered the check number.  For "Description", instead of a description, I put 
> the name of the payee, in this case "Landlord", I entered the account name 
> "Rent" I put the cursor into the credit column because I am reducing the cash 
> account.  I hit enter to end the transaction.  The transaction I entered 
> disappeared.  Let me clarify that: THE TRANSACTION DISAPPEARED.  I scrolled 
> up, in case it scrolled off the screen, even though only one transaction was 
> on the screen.  Where did the transaction go?  I don't know.  I am sure if I 
> do a trial balance, I might find it.  If I made an error, a window should 
> have popped up telling me of my error.


> Note:
> There is more to item one.  If you create an unbalanced transaction, the 
> difference is silently placed into an account that is not in your chart of 
> accounts.  This was discussed by several 'veterans' of this list, when I 
> addressed it, and it was determined by the programmers that it was best to 
> not create a pop-up "error message" window.  I disagree.  The solution, of 
> course is a simple if/then structure that looks at a 'preferences' option, 
> and, inside the if/then structure is the pop-up window. Those who choose to 
> see a warning of their error, will see it, so they can correct it while all 
> is fresh in their mind, while those who, like the ostrich with its head in 
> the sand, wish to not be bothered with such trivialities, would merrily go on 
> to the next transaction.
> John


I will assume that you are using the register in Transaction View mode, since 
basic view doesn’t behave in the way that confuses you. As an accountant, you 
understand the concept of double-entry accounting. That means that each 
transaction will have (at least) two accounts, which in GnuCash are represented 
in the register on separate lines, called splits.

When you follow the entry steps you have done, you are telling GnuCash that you 
wish to Credit the ***Rent*** account (not the Checking Account, as you 
believe). Thus far, you have only entered one split in the transaction. Then, 
when you press Enter (as opposed to tab—an unfortunate distinction that GnuCash 
makes), you are telling GnuCash that you are done editing the transaction, and 
GnuCash—seeing your failure to balance your transaction—adds a split for the 
missing second part of the transaction, and assigns that split to Imbalance-USD 
(the name of the account that you mention in your note). Having fixed the 
problem for you, GnuCash updates the display—and since the transaction you just 
created has no splits linked to the Checking Account, it removes the entry from 
the current register. 

While these aspects may not be ideal, they are not mysterious—they are, in fact 
explained in numerous places in the documentation. To assert some mysterious 
hidden agenda is willful ignorance on your part. 

I understand that you don’t agree with the design choices implemented in 
GnuCash—I know *I* don’t—however, these points have (as you point out) been 
discussed quite thoroughly by the developer and user community, and the choice 
has been made to retain the current functionality. Since your solution is so 
easy to you, join the volunteer developer crew and submit a patch to the 
project to implement it. Me, I have just learned how to open the Imbalance-USD 
account when I make such a mistake, correct it, and get on with the next 

David T.
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