On Tue, 19 Dec 2017 16:32:13 +0100
Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be> wrote:

> Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 12:18:11 CET schreef Paul Neuwirth:
> > Hi Geert,
> > 
> > hartelijk bedankt. Thank you, that was exactly what I missed.
> > Would be very nice If open bills would be shown after selecting
> > vendor..
> > 
> > groetjes
> > 
> > Paul  
> Dag Paul,
> (I readded your reply to the list as the remainder of this
> conversation may also be of interest to others. Please use reply-all
> in the future)
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean or would like. Can you
> explain in some more detail what happened and what you would have
> liked instead ?
> Groeten,
> Geert

(thank you... new to this e-mail client)

Semms as I cheered too soon. 
If I process as payment, (entering the bill no. manually, as on
documents bill is not selectable - this is what behaviour I miss), the
bill stays due (see top screen of screenshot)
if I click process payment from bill-side, I see the bill and a new
transaction, identically to the real one is being created, if I confirm.

Thank you (all) for help

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