I am doing the books for my father , who now has accounts with AT&T.  On 
importing any ofx file of his, from different banks, where he pays AT&T  
the "&" character causes the description field (Payee) to be truncated 
at the & character. I know the import truncates at 32 characters on ofx 
files but; not on special characters.  All UTF-8 files with say Chinese 
characters import correctly.

IE.  AT&T DIRECTTV exists in the <NAME> field of the ofx file but; when 
I import it I get AT not AT&T DIRECTTV.

To me it seems the importer is considering the & as a special character, 
like in Perl, but doesn't know what to do with it.

Anyone else seeing this in GnuCash 2.6.19 for Windoze 10?

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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