
To export the account tree use File->Export->Export Accounts to export the
account structure into a new book file directly. It works fine with GnuCash
V3.4. What version of GnuCash are you using and on what operating system? 
Using the export of the account Tree to CSV will also work but the direct
export into a new file is simpler.

You then need to export the transactions you want to transfer to this book
to a CSV file. File->Export->Export transactions to CSV.  Don't select the
simple layout option. Select all accounts you wish to export from and then
set the date range you wish to export and create the export file.

To import , open GnuCash in the new book file. File->Import->Import
Transactions from CSV. Select the file you have just exported. Select the
GnuCash Export Format. Make sure Multisplit is selected. If the data line
comes up as pink (or other colour) this is a warning that a format doesn't
match usually the data format. Set the date format to whatever is used in
your locale (or whatever format has been exported) and ensure that Skip 1
leading line is selected.  You will then see the data headings in the first
import record have a line through them and the pink or other color shading
in the data lines should clear. The column headers should correspnd with the
headers in the first skipped lines.

In the next window you need to map the accounts specified in the file to be
imported onto the accounts in the account tree that you imported. As yet
there is no matching procedure so it is laborious but only has to be done
for those accounts that transactions being imported will have splits to.  In
your case the mapped accounts should be the same as the imported account
names when you have finished.

In the next window (matcher) hopefully all the transactions to be imported
will turn up with a green background. Correct any that don't have accounts
correctly assigned and assigned and then import the transactions.

At present the import is not working correctly when the transactions involve
accounts with multiple currencies and I suspect trading accounts although I
have not checked these yet. You will have to edit any transactions between
accounts in different currencies. At present the import appears to create a
spurious split ot splits for an unrlated amount and appears to create an
additional transaction in each non-book currency. Hopefully you don't have
multicurrency transactions.

As Christian recommended it is probably a good idea to create balance sheet
reports however that may be of limited usefulness as the Balance sheet at a
given date will not be the same in the new file unless you have copied all
records up to that date and as you are splitting up into annual books that
will not be the case. More useful may be Income Statements (also contains
expenses)for each period from the original book. that should then agree with
an Income Statement created for the same period from the new book

The other point is as you do this you will also have to carry forward
closing balances from the new book from the previous year you imported  into
the new book for the  year you are currently importing as Opening Balances
in that new book

David Cousens

David Cousens
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