No, *not* the Easy stylesheet. I didn’t suggest it for a reason. You need to 
use the "Head or Tail" stylesheet.

As for renaming a field - not without creating a custom version of a stylesheet 
or hacking the report itself.

> On Nov 1, 2019 w44d305, at 9:01 AM, Fran_3 <> wrote:
> Adrien,
> I tried to  check out style sheets and have a couple of questions...
> 1 - Under Edit > Style Sheets
> I clicked on Easy > Edit
> And expected to be able to either add a field or edit the name of a field... 
> like change the name of Prepared By to something like Comments or Notes...
> But I couldn't see how to do it... so then I tried to create a new Style 
> Sheet using Easy as a template...
> Again expecting to be able to add a field or two but no joy.
> Of course I can do this as Michael suggest and just export and modify in 
> another program... and I'm not suggesting any modifications to GC, I'm just 
> trying to make sure I didn't miss anything when exploring Editing or creating 
> a New Style Sheet.
> 2 - Finally, when I created a Transaction Report and choose Easy as the Style 
> Sheet I expected to see the "Prepared by" field under the report name 
> field... but it wasn't there.
> I guess I'm completely missing something here.
> BTW, Win7 Pro and GC 3.7.
> Thanks for the help.
> Fran3

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