CVS works fine.  I can still read the data I need to by opening the GC file 
with my script, checking to see what entries I’ve already added, and add the 
ones that are still needed to a temporary CSV file I import.

That works fine.

I just want don’t want to have to do the math.

Eventually, after getting it working and verifying it works, I’ll look into if 
I can do that without exiting GC.



> On Apr 28, 2020, at 4:51 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <> wrote:
> My understanding is it isn’t exactly ’safe’ to directly edit the data file 
> outside of the app. (this doesn’t mean you can’t, but don’t expect much 
> support if something breaks or data is destroyed)
> Since you are generating additional transactions, I’d just do that, in the 
> form of a CSV file for GnuCash to import.
> Do the import.
> This won’t get your memos updated in the existing transactions.
> -----
> How often is the interest added to the account?
> There is a feature to input interest charges when reconciling.
> Scheduled Transactions also have the ability to use variables in formulas. 
> You could write a formula for the interest calculation and schedule it as 
> needed. This won’t auto-grab the existing balance, but if you use a variable 
> for ‘current_balance’ GnuCash will prompt you for that figure to use in the 
> formula. If the rate is also variable, then that too can be prompted.
> Unfortunately, there is no ’template transaction’ feature. (yet) These would 
> work like a Scheduled Transaction but instead fire on command as needed, not 
> according to a set schedule. The best alternative is to schedule it for a 
> reasonable time interval, but mark it not to be auto-created, but do opt for 
> the notification it is due. That way, you can choose when to create the 
> interest transaction, get prompted for the variable values, and then review 
> the transaction before committing it.
> Regards,
> Adrien
>> On Apr 28, 2020 w18d119, at 2:11 PM, Hal Vaughan <> wrote:
>> I’ve done some research on this issue and I’m trying to determine if it’s 
>> worth doing more or if I’d just spend time on this topic and find it won’t 
>> work.
>> I have a situation I’ve been told GnuCash can’t handle, but I have a Python 
>> library that can handle it.  (It has to do with calculating interest on a 
>> credit line with a variable balance.)
>> Years ago, I remember checking into GnuCash and reading the XML data files 
>> and finding that each transaction seemed to have a UUID with it, but that 
>> the other data in each entry would be easy to generate from my own library 
>> written in Python.  I also know that now the data files can be in SQL, using 
>> several different engines, and that if it’s an XML file, it’s in gzip format.
>> I do not need my program to run as a plug-in or anything like that.  (Last I 
>> looked, I had to install MacPorts for that, and last time I installed 
>> MacPorts, it made a mess of the libraries for my old Perl scripts and some 
>> Python ones.)
>> But here’s what I’d like to do:
>> 1. Enter my transactions involving the credit line normally in GnuCash.
>> 2. Exit GnuCash
>> 3. Run my Python script that would read the GnuCash data file and find all 
>> transactions with any credit lines.
>> 4. Do the interest calculations for my credit line
>> 5. Add a debit transaction for the interest amount before each new 
>> transaction with the credit line
>> 6. Edit the comment field for each transaction involving the credit line to 
>> include notes on interest and totals
>> 7. Save the ledger and exit my library script.
>> 8. Run GnuCash again and have the new transactions included and their 
>> amounts included in any account totals.
>> Is this even possible?  I don’t mind doing the research to find out how to 
>> generate a transaction ID and all the rest.  I just want to know if I can 
>> use my own library to add transactions to a file (or edit comments in a 
>> transaction) and, when I’m done, for GnuCash to be able to read that file, 
>> with my new transactions, in and to include the amounts in the added 
>> transactions in account totals.
>> Hal
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