To each his own, but I would not call this "ultra-wide", it is normal wide on
a modern monitor. I have no problem seeing the information and I have
old-man eyes.  My post was a reply to someone whom seemed to be requesting
this feature and a followup to a post three years ago where I provided a
solution.  If you bothered to go to the original post, you would have seen a
link to an image showing exactly what it looks like. But I will include
another here.  On my monitor there is tons of white-space available to
handle a NOTES fields and I get the advantage of getting double the rows I
would get with double line mode.
(BALANCE column omitted for privacy, strech the image to full screen width
to check readability on your monitor, very readable on mine.)

You are right, this is not for everyone.  Space is at a premium on
smartphones, some tablets/laptops and even a 800x600 monitor (ancient as
they are).  But this change just gives people the OPTION of having the notes
field in single line.  The default width could be VERY small, taking up
almost no space.  But with a single click, those that want it get to see a
decently wide notes field.  Here is the same screen with the NOTES field

I have no idea what works better for a majority of users but good software
gives users options that allow it to work optimally in a number of
scenarios.  Yes you get wider fields with a double or triple line mode but
you also get half or a third the number of lines on the display.  It is a
trade-off.  In my case, and in the OP's case apparently, we phave room to
put NOTES on the single-line display.  Again, same screen, in double-line
mode.  Note how much of the screen real-estate is wasted just showing blank

The change I propose would allow you to keep things as are, you want to deny
others this option?

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