On 11/30/20 5:24 PM, David Carlson wrote:
I suspect that the developers might have a hard time deciding how to select
which other columns to use to fill the space
  that would be freed up if the description column did not fill the
remaining space.

However, another alternative would be to restore default column widths.
This should make every column visible as they appear the first time that
the account window is opened on a new computer.  It may not be exactly what
the user wants, but it would definitely give a good starting point.

There are several alternatives that have served well with other software:
1.  Don't fill the space.  Let it be unused (whatever the default background color). 2.  The right hand column expands/shrinks as needed (not ideal in my thinking).
3. ...

I have also seen other software implement a minimum column size so you can't "lose" a column. With that they have a drop down list on the far right that allows you to activate/deactivate columns.

Perhaps someone wants to enter an enhancement request.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 3:51 PM Rob Britton | AirLearn <
rob.brit...@airlearn.net> wrote:


Many thanks.  The 200% display trick did it -- a couple of tries to get
the Withdrawal column to appear, and there it was, hooray.

I'll make a contribution, for sure.

And sure would be great if, as other users have noted, the Description
column could be reduced and not auto-adjust to fill the space.

Thank you again for your responsiveness.

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 05:19
To: gnucash-u...@lists.gnucash.org; Rob Britton | AirLearn <
Cc: adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net
Subject: Re: [GNC] Help with Column that Vanished

Hi Rob

You are not the only one to "lose" a column.  If Adrian's instructions
below don't work, have a look at this thread:


Which includes screenshots for Windows 10.

Good luck!


On 30/11/2020 8:20 pm, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
First, the Description column is *not* fixed. (more to follow)

Second, when sizing columns, you can only adjust using the right-side
header divider. So hover near the right side of where the Withdrawal
column should be, click and drag to the right.(you should see either
two lines very close to each other, or a single thicker line, which
would indicate the collapsed column)

Finally, when all other columns are resized to your liking, click and
drag the right-hand divider for the Description column far to the left.
It will snap back and fill the remainder of the window width. (leaving
your other columns sized how you want them)

If you want to revert a column to its default size, double-click its


On 11/29/20 4:01 PM, Rob Britton | AirLearn wrote:
GnuCash is great, but resizing column widths is head-hurting.  Okay,
I'm 69 and not a youngster, so I make mistakes.  And I understand
that the description column width is fixed (that ought to be changed
in the next update).  So here's my problem: when trying to resize
checking account columns just now I accidentally shrunk the
withdrawal column and it "disappeared."  How do I get it back?

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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