Not sure that the developers could make that suggestion work.  It is much
harder to find records which have been imported to the wrong account after
the fact than it is to identify the correct account the first time it is
imported at the time it is imported.

The account names as specified in a CSV file import are only labels unless
the CSV record contains the GUUID that has been assigned and is associated
with an internal account name in the GNuCash program. Account Names
internally are only labels and the GUUID is used in all transaction
processing internally. These GUUIDs are only available with an association
to a specific internal GnuCash account where the records have been exported
specifically from a GNuCash book/file using the GNUCash CSV export format
which includes the internal GUUID of any accounts in the record as well as
the account name labels .

For CSV records originating elsewhere, GnuCash has no way of knowing which
internal account is specifically matched to a given  label in an import
record until you create that association by making and confirming a
selection.  Once you have successfully imported a record which contains a
specific label, that label is then mapped onto the GUUID associated with the
account you selected to match the label to from that point on. 

The importer has to be able to cope with the situation where the name your
bank may choose to give an account or category in their records may not be
the name you may choose to give it internally. Miss one space in the label
or change or add one character and the label is also a separate distinct
entity. That is why it is necessary to confirm and select the specific
internal account the first time a label is encountered in an import record.
The problem is that the importer not only has to cope with your specific use
case but with all possible use cases in some 189 countries world wide.

What might be  possible is to preselect the internal account whose account
name most closely matches the imported label in the drop down list of
internal account names in the selection dialog but that final confirmation
step would still be necessary. I suspect when it was written, since it is a
once only operation,  whoever wrote it opted to have the user manually
select the internal account matching he wants associated with a specific
imported label, likely well before the Bayesian matching procedure was put
in for matching the transfer accounts. 

While it may be possible to adapt the Bayesian matching  process to do this,
it is by no means a 5 minute exercise and , so far no-one on the main
development team has considered it a high enough priority to address. If it
has not been enetered as a feature request bug in the bugs data base, it is
also unlikely to be addressed unless someone takes an interest in it. That
requires that someone to have  an understanding of the code not only in the
specific area but as some parts of the code are used in many different
areas, an overall understanding of the code base. Ive never counted how many
million lines of code are in GnuCash.  It also does not stop the operation
of Gnucash and issues which do affect that are usually the highest priority.
It is a relatively minor user inconvenience. Until and unless someone in the
volunteer force of developers is prepared to consider addressing the problem
it is unlikely to change.

Even with OFXQFX imports where the banks usually specify a GUUID for each
account and each transaction, those externally assigned GUUIDs have to be
mapped onto the GUUIDs created and associated with an account name
internally the first time a transaction with an external GUUID is imported.
Your bank could change a GUUID associated with an account at any time of its
choosing. Once that mapping is done however importing is extremely reliable
with OFX/QFX because there is a defined standard institutions have to agree
to - some still manage to stuff it up though. 

With CSV there is no such defined standard and every developer in every
institution can choose to do their own thing so the situation is chaotic and
importers have to cope with a wide range of different and sometimes aberrant
behaviour on the part of the file creators.

David Cousens
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