Hi D,


Yes I did – I even removed PERL / Strawberry Perl and allowed GNC to install 
everything, but still it does not work.


I’m beginning to wonder if its an F::Q 1.51 issue.


Best regards,


David Romano,


UK Direct line: +44 (0) 23 9234 1647

UK Mobile & WhatsApp: +44 (0) 79 4830 8868
Skype Video Call: David.J.Romano


From: D. <sunfis...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: 19 July 2021 18:36
To: david.rom...@davidjromano.com
Cc: Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>; Dong Lin via gnucash-user 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to 
collect data


Out of curiosity, have you tried reinstalling Finance::Quote from the menu 
option? I recently resumed use of F::Q, but found it non functional. I 
reinstalled from the menu, and things started working again...


From: david.rom...@davidjromano.com <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com> 
Sent: Mon Jul 19 08:04:11 EDT 2021
To: 'Geoff' , gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to 
collect data


I think your right - does not look good - no output at all

C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl -MFinance::Quote -e "my $q = 
Finance::Quote->new(); print $q->currency(q/USD/,q/GBP/);"

C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>

Best regards,

David Romano,

UK Direct line: +44 (0) 23 9234 1647
UK Mobile & WhatsApp: +44 (0) 79 4830 8868
Skype Video Call: David.J.Romano

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com> > 
Sent: 19 July 2021 13:01
To: david.rom...@davidjromano.com <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com> ; 
gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not able to 
collect data

Hmmm, something is definitely broken there.

Let me know what you get with my second email.


On 19/07/2021 9:57 pm, david.rom...@davidjromano.com 
<mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com>  wrote:

 Sorry Geoff, I was pasting from my troubleshooting notes not what I typed.
 I’ve attached the screenshot
 Best regards,
 David Romano,
 UK Direct line: +44 (0) 23 9234 1647
 UK Mobile & WhatsApp: +44 (0) 79 4830 8868
 Skype Video Call: David.J.Romano
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com> >
 Sent: 19 July 2021 12:41
 To: david.rom...@davidjromano.com <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com> ; 
gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 
 Subject: Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ Not 
 able to collect data
 Hi David
 This problem is because you are pasting not just the command itself, 
 but also its expected output.
 This is the command:
 echo (currency "USD" "GBP") | perl gnc-fq-helper
 And this is the expected output:
 (("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . "2021-07-19 21:27:37") 
 (last . #e0.72922) (currency . "GBP")))
 See attached screenshot.
 Hope this helps.
 On 19/07/2021 7:08 pm, david.rom...@davidjromano.com 
 <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com> wrote:

 Good morning Geoff - I'm now back in the office and have run 

 through your

 suggestions with the following result:






             a) C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>set










             b) C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo 










             c) C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo (currency 

 "USD" "GBP") |

 perl gnc-fq-helper (("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . 


 08:40:01") (last . #e0.72002) (currency . "GBP")))








                             C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo 

 (currency "USD"

 "GBP") | perl gnc-fq-helper (("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone .


 "2021-03-10 08:40:01") (last . #e0.72002) (currency . "GBP")))




                                             Can't open ((USD: No 

 such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open (symbol: No 

 such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't do inplace edit: . 

 is not a regular file at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open USD): No 

 such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open

 (gnc:time-no-zone: No such file or

 directory at gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't do inplace edit: . 

 is not a regular file at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open 2021-03-10

 08:40:01): Invalid argument at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open (last: No 

 such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't do inplace edit: . 

 is not a regular file at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open #e0.72002): 

 No such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open (currency: 

 No such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't do inplace edit: . 

 is not a regular file at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.


                                             Can't open GBP))): No 

 such file or directory at

 gnc-fq-helper line 331.




 Unfortunately I'm not a PERL coder but the code block starting at 

 line 331

 is the following:




             while(<>) {




               my $result = parse_input_line($_);




               if(!$result) {


                print STDERR "$prgnam: bad input line ($_)\n";


                 exit 1;








 -----Original Message-----


 From: Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com 


 Sent: 18 July 2021 13:55


 To: david.rom...@davidjromano.com <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com> 

 <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com>; gnucash-user@gnucash.org 

 Subject: Re: [GNC] Can anyone help with this issue please - GNC-FQ 

 Not able

 to collect data




 Hi David




 Did you remember to set your alphavantage key as an environment 


 when testing with Perl from the command line?




 Can you try this:




 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>set






 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo %ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY%






 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo (currency "USD" "GBP") | 


 gnc-fq-helper (("USD" (symbol . "USD") (gnc:time-no-zone . 


 08:40:01") (last . #e0.72002) (currency . "GBP")))




 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>echo (currency "EUR" "RON") | 


 gnc-fq-helper (("EUR" (symbol . "EUR") (gnc:time-no-zone . 


 08:45:05") (last . #e4.8841) (currency . "RON")))






 Also, it is normal to get the blank command window when doing Get 

 Quotes on















 On 18/07/2021 8:04 pm, david.rom...@davidjromano.com 

 <mailto:david.rom...@davidjromano.com> wrote:

 I'm having a problem with GNC-FQ not being able to retrieve 


 data for the GBP / EUR currency pair.








 I had previously used FQ back when the data source was Yahoo, but 


 the Yahoo died I stopped using it.








 I now need to pick up GBP and EUR rates so I've installed the


 components required to get the Alphavantage feed to work - or so I 








 Here's where I've got to so far:








 1.      I updated GNU Cash to current 4.6.


 2.      I installed Strawberry Perl version <> 


 3.      I'm Running Windows 10 Professional 21H1 build 19043.110


 4.      I added my aphhavantage key in Preferences \ Online Quotes


 5.      I ran perl gnc-fq-check and got the following result:








 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl gnc-fq-check








 ("1.51" "aex" "alphavantage" "amfiindia" "asegr" "asx" "aufunds"




 "bamosz" "bet" "bloomberg" "bourso" "bse" "bseindia" "canada"




 "comdirect" "cse" "deka" "dutch" "dwsfunds" "europe"




 "fidelity" "fidelity_direct" "finanzpartner" "fondsweb" "fool" "ftfunds"


 "fundata" "fundlibrary" "goldmoney" "greece" "hu" "hufund" "hungary"


 "hustock" "iexcloud" "india" "indiamutual" "known_currencies"


 "morningstarau" "morningstarjp" "mstaruk" "nasdaq" "nseindia" "nyse" 


 "onvista" "oslobors" "romania" "seb_funds" "six" "tiaacref" "tmx"


 "tradeville" "troweprice" "troweprice_direct" "tsp" "ukfunds" 


 "usa" "usfedbonds" "yahoo_json" "za")








 6.      I ran perl gnc-fq-update and got the following result:








 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl gnc-fq-update








 Database was generated on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 11:42:13 GMT




 Date::Manip is up to date (6.85).




 Finance::Quote is up to date (1.51).








 7.      I tested the alphavantage data feed using this URL string 

 and got

 the following result:









<https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE&from> &from
<https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE&fro> &fro

 _curre ncy=GBP&to_currency=EUR&apikey=[MYKEY}








 Realtime Currency Exchange Rate




 1. From_Currency Code       "GBP"




 2. From_Currency Name      "British Pound Sterling"




 3. To_Currency Code  "EUR"




 4. To_Currency Name "Euro"




 5. Exchange Rate       "1.16550000"




 6. Last Refreshed       "2021-07-18 09:00:04"




 7. Time Zone    "UTC"




 8. Bid Price       "1.16544000"




 9. Ask Price       "1.16555000"








 All looked good so I set the two currencies GBP and EUR to get 


 quotes in the Security Editor.








 I then switched to the Price Database and clicked Get Quotes only 


 get the following failure message:
















 Interestingly, when I click the Get Quotes button (and when I open 


 Cash) Perl pops a blank CMD window  


 and the window closes without being populated.








 I then created a new alphavantage key which I updated in GNC


 preferences, but I got the same result when I ran Get Quotes.








 I next tried the following code example:








 cd \Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin








 perl gnc-fq-dump alphavantage CSCO








 Which generated the following output:








 C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin>perl gnc-fq-dump alphavantage 








 syswrite() on unopened filehandle GEN0 at


 C:/Strawberry/perl/lib/IO/Handle.pm <http://Handle.pm>  line 459.




 Finance::Quote fields Gnucash uses:




       symbol: EUR (deduced)        <=== required




       date: ** missing **        <=== recommended




      currency: ** missing **        <=== required




       last: **missing**          <=\




       nav: **missing**          <=== one of these




       price: **missing**          <=/




      timezone:                      <=== optional








 My immediate thought was that either GNC or PERL were being 

 blocked by



 10 security so I explicitly added both Perl Interpreter and GNC to 


 apps allowed through Windows Firewall - both private and public. 


 made no difference.








 I then wondered if the problem was IP blocking so tried again over 


 VPN, thus a different IP. This made no difference.








 I'm not a Perl programmer so I'm now pretty much stuck. Possibly 


 missed something very obvious or else there is something strange 


 on here which I don't understand.








 If anyone can suggest how to diagnose the issue from here, or 


 still fix the issue, I'd very much appreciate the help.











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