
On Sun, July 25, 2021 11:54 am, Silvio Siefke wrote:
> Hi,
>> Perhaps you might explain further what precisely you're trying to do,
>> and why. If I wanted to see the data in a Balance Sheet or a Profit &
>> Loss Statement, I'd just run those reports from the menu. Further, if I
>> needed to manipulate the information more, I'd probably copy and paste
>> the contents into a spreadsheet and work on that. Why use python at all?
> Now I go to Reports > Balance Sheet and see the Balance after give the
> year. But I want make some statistics and its hard ever change the year.

Why do you say that?  Open the report options, go to the General tab, and
select the report date.  Then click Apply (to rerun the report and keep
the options window open), or Ok (to close the options window and rerun the

> Assets + Liabilities are the same sum so this sum is what I need.
> * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balance_sheet
> Same for Income statement only need NET INCOME thats all.
> * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_statement

So run the report and copy out the balance.  Why make this more difficult
than it has to be; the tools currently exist, use them.

> I have read gnucash work with python maybe there is libary where
> can do like:
> ./python_gnucash 2010 "Balance Sheet Sum"
> ./python_gnucash 2010 "Income statement NET INCOME"

Nope, this does not exist.

> So is my idea would make easier, when can handle the complete
> Income Statement / Balance Sheet is great but at end only need the sum!

I don't understand why you only need the sum.  But you can run the report
and copy it out, which IMHO is much easier than trying to rebuild the
report in another language just to get the sum.

> Regards & Thank you
> Silvio

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       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       de...@ihtfp.com             www.ihtfp.com
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant

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