There seems to be different potential bug in the ofx import it looks like.


I have a ofx file from a large brokerage house here in the US which has both 
the mutual fund transaction and a bank transaction in a single account. It 
looks like the cash transactions are not being picked up by the importer. For 
example,  transactions for mutual fund purchase that is picked up is:







                                  <MEMO>YOU BOUGHT           PROSPECTUS 





















But it didn’t pick up following transactions from the same account:








                                         <NAME>DIRECT               DEPOSIT ELA










I did a test where I created a brand new file with just (all) basic account 
types and then imported the file. Sure enough it only registered buy/sell 
transactions but skipped all the banking transactions in the import windows.  
It asked to create new (MF) securities and assign accounts appropriately but no 
cash transactions in any of them. I tried this exercise with version 4.5 of 
gnucash on Windows 10 (my base OS). I can provided anonymized ofx file if there 
is interest to debug it further.


I installed 4.6 version but I ran into two issues with it which might be 
separate from ofx importers:  1) I am seeing silent crash between file à quit 
and the actual process being removed from the process list. The symptoms I see 
is that when I relaunch next time it tells me that the lock file is still there 
on random occasions which shouldn’t be as I went through the proper exit 
process. And 2) actions à Check & Repairs à Check & Repair All where it simply 
hangs indefinitely after checking few accounts and need to kill the process 
from the task manager. The update status bar in the lower right corner goes dim 
and does not update for minutes on and the cursor on the window shows a busy 
process. I am not 100% sure what is going on with the execution, hence I have 
avoided calling them “found” bugs at this time. I reverted to 4.5 of gnucash 
and see neither of these issues so I have stayed back.




From: David Carlson <> 
Sent: Sunday, August 01, 2021 7:19 AM
To: Chris Good <>
Cc: Kalpesh Patel <>; Gnucash Users 
Subject: Re: [GNC] Transactions for multiple accounts in 1 ofx file?


You will also note that bug report is dated in 2003, the concern was raised 
then with the hint that it was inherent in the OFX specification and therefore 
probably difficult or impossible to fix.


The most recent changes to the generic import assistant allows re-ordering the 
entries into chronological order which will put the duplicate d transactions 
close to each other on the screen,  making them very easy to spot and manually 
pick one or the other to keep.


I think there is no need to automatically skip one or the other unless the 
split notes are merged as I suggested in my previous email. 


If you really want to get fancy, highlight the duplicate s and offer to skip 
one or the other.




On Sun, Aug 1, 2021, 3:12 AM Chris Good <> wrote:

When I went to create a bug for this I found one already exists:
 Import multiple account OFX files with transfers between the accounts,
duplicate transactions are generated

Chris Good

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Good < <> > 
Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2021 5:49 PM
To: 'Kalpesh Patel' < <> >
Cc: <> 
Subject: RE: Transactions for multiple accounts in 1 ofx file?

Hi Kalpesh Patel,

Your hiccup sounds exactly like the problem I have described.
2 people have now said they have transactions from multiple bank accounts in
the 1 .ofx file, so there are probably many more who do not subscribe to
this email list and who also may come across this problem. I will raise a
bug to document it.
If Covid-19 lockdown continues for much longer I may have enough time to try
to fix this myself.

Chris Good

-----Original Message-----
From: Kalpesh Patel < <> >
Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2021 5:05 AM
To: <> 
Cc: <> 
Subject: Re: Transactions for multiple accounts in 1 ofx file?

I use it in this manner all the time and works great.

I use an old program called pocketsense, which I modified a bit, which goes
out to multiple institutions, downloads from each in ofx format and then
combines them into single ofx file to import it into gnucash. Literally
speaking they all are concatenation of individual files into one. It has
been working fine since version 3.5 (or earlier I think).

Only hickup that I see now and then is If transaction are across two
accounts (example a transfer) in ofx then gnucash doesn't cross correlate
them but if that happens then I disable import for the "seconds" account,
finish first import and then perform second import of the same file and then
it cross correlates automatically. Nice thing with ofx import in gnucash is
that you can import same file multiple times but not get duplicated entries
for the same transaction.

I have tested combined ofx file that has investment account, banking account
and a credit card account and if anything it is one of the robust feature of
gnucash, IMHO.

Excuse the typos. It's the mobile thingy!

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