
Just when I was thinking I had accumulated all the pieces of the jigsaw I
need, I discovered the A/R account.

I have a shop that charges 50% margin on whatever they sell. So, if they
sell one candle for £12 then I will invoice them only for £6. They get 30
days credit, so ideally I'd use the A/R system. I've played around with
this and it seems to do what I expect to the Balance Sheet and Profit &
Loss Report except for one thing: I seem to lose any record of the 50% of
the total sales value that they have taken.

There is a Discount column in the invoice but this doesn't seem to show up
anywhere in the accounts. I'd like to have some record of the money I am
'losing' in sales commission, maybe as an expense.

Can anyone offer any advice on how this might best be approached, please?

Kind wishes - Patrick
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