As my children often say – zok


I really was not offended by the tone at all, nor was I trying to force a 
fallback. I was just baffled by the change, and couldn’t determine if I had 
missed a setting, or if it was change in behavior


I appreciate everything the gnucash team does – both product and support – and 
LOVE the product


Thanks for all the hard work from all of y’all


From: David Carlson <> 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2022 4:12 PM
To: Top Cat <>
Cc: Gyle McCollam <>; Gnucash Users <>
Subject: Re: [GNC] questions on 4.1



Sorry for my seemingly dismissive reply earlier.


In my Gmail I completely missed your detailed description about how 3.7 and 4.1 
actually work today on your machines until I finally found it by drilling down 
into thread history.  I do not like how Gmail does that, but I cannot solve 
that right now.


I personally do not have subaccounts under bank accounts that I reconcile by 
that method so I have not seen your issue, but it appears to be a bug in 
release 3.7 that has been fixed in release 4.1.  I doubt that the developers 
would entertain a request to revert to previous behavior, but you are free to 




On Sun, Jun 12, 2022 at 12:54 PM David Carlson < 
<> > wrote:

Oh, and Gyle very clearly explained why it it works the way it does.


On Sun, Jun 12, 2022, 12:48 PM David Carlson < 
<> > wrote:

What did it did?  I have never seen GnuCash reconciliation  mark any 
transaction split account other than the account being reconciled since I 
started using GnuCash 2.something less than 4 many years ago.


On Sun, Jun 12, 2022, 10:18 AM Top Cat < 
<> > wrote:

I understand your thoughts, and don't disagree; the question was more that
it DID do this until I upgraded to 4.x

I'm not sure if something changed in gnucash4, or if I inadvertently broke
something in the migration and upgrade

From: Gyle McCollam < <> > 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2022 10:38 AM
To: Top Cat < <> >; <> 
Subject: Re: [GNC] questions on 4.1

I only initially responded to the 1st question you raised.  However, as for
the 2nd question, I feel, that the software is operating correctly.  When
you are reconciling an account, say Bank A, you are reconciling only that
account, not the accounts that the other side of the transactions are posted
to.  When you reconcile those accounts, you would reconcile that half (or
less depending on how many splits there are).  Say the other half of the
split was Bank B, You wouldn't want to reconcile that transaction when you
do Bank A because when you get Bank B's statement, they may not have
credited your account (not likely, but) and it would make it harder to
determine where the error is at.

Thank You,           
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326                     Mobile

 < <> > <>            email


From: gnucash-user < 
<mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+gylemc <mailto:gnucash-user-bounces%2Bgylemc> <> > > on behalf of
Gyle McCollam < <>  
< <> > >
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2022 10:20 AM
To: <>  < 
<> >  < <> 
< <> > >; <> 
< <> >  
< <> 
< <> > >
Subject: Re: [GNC] questions on 4.1 

Happy you found this helpful.  I respond to questions because others have
responded to me or I have found their responses to other helpful, as you did
this response.  I don't know enough programing, just enough to be dangerous,
so I help where I can.  I have picked up several tip/tricks along the way
and I am grateful to those who take the time to respond to questions.  I
picked this up from a previous question/answer session and feel it is part
of my obligation to pass it on when I can.  Several names keep appearing in
response to questions.  Do you hear me: Adrein, David T, Michael, and
others.  Thanks to you and everyone that takes the time!

Thank You,
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326                     Mobile <> 
<>           email

From: <>  < 
<> >  < <> 
< <> > >
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2022 7:57 AM
To: 'Gyle McCollam' < <>  
< <> > >
Subject: RE: [GNC] questions on 4.1

Gyle, Thank you. I had overlooked that arrow and feature.

-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user < 
<mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+jaypj <mailto:gnucash-user-bounces%2Bjaypj> <> > > On
Behalf Of Gyle McCollam
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2022 3:42 PM
To: Top Cat < <>  
< <> > >; <>  
< <> > 
Subject: Re: [GNC] questions on 4.1

I'm sure your aware, but just in case.  Did you know there is a down arrow
at the far right of the account heading screen.  This allows you to add or
remove columns from the accounts page.  Maybe, the account code box is not
checked (3rd one down).

Thank You,
Gyle McCollam

Gyle McCollam

609.680.2326                     Mobile <> < 
<> >           email

From: gnucash-user < 
<mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+gylemc <mailto:gnucash-user-bounces%2Bgylemc> <> > > on
behalf of Top Cat < <>  
< <> > >
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2022 12:44 PM
To: <>  
< <> >
< <>  
< <> > >
Subject: [GNC] questions on 4.1

I have been using gnucash since 2.x with a MySQL database

I recently build a new machine and updated to 4.1, and have run into several

1.      On the accounts page, I can no longer show the account numbers, or
sort by them
2.      On reconciliations, paired transactions (like transfers from one
subaccount to another) no longer clear "both sides" when one is checked - it
requires manually marking both sides separately.

Is this correct behavior? Are there settings I am missing? do I need to
reinstall/save and restore data?

Any help would be appreciated

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David Carlson

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