Thanks Stan, and all who have replied.

I have tried something similar on v4.09, with different folder names but not 
changing the data file name itself.
That version became unstable and GnuCash stopped finding either one.
I will experiment and report back.

Eric Hammond

Message: 3
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 08:47:14 -0700
From: Stan Brown <>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Request for two new features in GnuCash
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On 2022-08-07 00:44, flywire wrote:
> More cat skinning:
>> * the ability to have two separate (at least) GnuCash file systems:
> *
> In Windows (or probably any GUI) double-click file in data folder and 
> it will use file association to open the file (in GnuCash).
> Alternatively, for each file: right-click file, create a shortcut, 
> drag shortcut to desktop. Same as above from desktop.

>From desktop _or_ Start Menu, as a matter of fact. I choose the latter,
because I like to keep my desktop clean.

Buy there's another option, that I don't think I've seen posted yet.

The OP is presumably using those "multiple file systems" to keep books on 
different entities. The user should give the files different names even though 
storing them in different locations.

Then, if the user forgets to use the shortcuts you suggested, or just doesn't 
like the shortcut idea, they can simply open GnuCash from the regular program 
icon. GC will automatically open the last file the user was working on. If 
that's the "wrong" one, click File and the last N files worked on will appear 
in the menu; just select the appropriate one.

Unlike most Windows programs, GC doesn't show you the location of each file, 
only its name. (At least that's true in the version I'm running.) That's why 
it's important to give the data files different names even if they're in 
different folders .

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA


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