Meanwhile I have upgraded to GC 4.11 running as a Flatpak under Ubuntu Studio 22.04.1. The reported problem with truncation of trailing zeroes after the decimal point in the Reconcile dialog appears to be fixed in this version. However, I now have a similar problem with the Price Database dialog, as reported by David below. I liked it better when all price entries displayed with the same number of places after the decimal point. Is there a way to get this behaviour back?

-----Original Message-----
From: rsbrux <>
Sent: Sunday, September 4, 2022 7:38 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: Re: gnucash reconcile doesn't respect "Decimal places"

Thanks to all who responded!


3.11 or 4.11? 4.11 is the current version.
3.11. I realize that 4.11 is the current version, but I have just migrated from 2.6.19 and want to make sure everything is working correctly before taking the next step. The GC wiki gave me the impression that 3.11 is still supported, but I can live with this until I upgrade to 4.11.

Do you happen to have Preferences > Numbers, Date, Time > Numbers > 'Automatic Decimal Point' checked by any chance? If so, it might be dropping '.00'
I have tried both settings; it doesn't make a difference.


This seems to be similar to the behaviour of displayed prices in the Price Database - dp doesn't line up as it always truncates prices on the right of the decimal point to the last non zero digit regardless of the ? Currently running 4.11 but it's been like this for as long as I can remember.
Odd: my price database always shows 6 figures after the decimal point in 3.11, even if the last 4 are zeroes. IIRC, this was also the case in 2.6.19.


That is not my experience with version 4.8 on Windows 10 - see attached screenshot.
Your screenshot looks like what I used to get in 2.6.19. I guess the next step is to upgrade to 4.x

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