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As to your question, "I use the Mate version of Mint. Did you install Cinnamon?" yes, I installed Cinnamon, but I can certainly test with MATE. I'll get back to you here when that is done.


On 9/13/22 12:27 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:

I happen to have a Mint21 VM using VirtualBox I've been trying out so I installed GnuCash to test and see if I get the same issue.

I don't. Everything works as expected. There is no gray box and I can highlight amounts from the left or right with no problems.

Note, I tested this on a fresh, stock install of Mint21 with all updates (as of today) and the only other apps installed are the Vbox Guest Additions.

So something must be amiss with your OS or theme. Since you indicated you upgraded, there might be something that didn't translate properly.

Maybe consider backing up and doing a fresh Mint install if you can't track down the culprit.

The fault lies not with GnuCash.

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