Hello Murugan,

(This issue was resolved)

I did a lot of research and played with a number of test case combinations. 
Happily, all the issues were resolved by correcting a couple of settings. Below 
are some details for the benefit of anyone who may encounter similar issues.

A. Japanese Yen. Let's first get this subtle issue out of the way. That's the 
issue of rounding non-default currency values, which you reproduced when you 
used a Japanese Yen client for testing. It turns out that the JPY currency is 
fraction-less by definition. All JPY values have to be whole numbers. So, 
rounding here is required and it appears to override other settings for 
fractions. This is reflected in the JPY entry under the "Security Editor", 
where the Fraction column is set to 1. It seems that Gnucash has this built-in 
somehow. You may have been unfortunate to choose JPY as the currency for your 
sample customer, leading you in the wrong direction. But as a result, we also 
learned an important fact. So, it was fortunate after all.


B. Rounding discrepancies in general.

The main issue I originally reported was unexpected rounding of invoice 
amounts; this led to discrepancies in payment processing and A/R Aging reports.

Here is what I found:

*  The problem was caused by an incorrect setting of the “Smallest Fraction” in 
the “Edit Account” settings (Accounts>Edit Account>Smallest Fraction).

During initial setup, I had selected "1" as the smallest fraction for A/R 
accounts. This was several years ago when I switched from QuickBooks to 
Gnucash.  I was following the QuickBooks convention where the number of decimal 
places was expressed as “one” and “two”.

*  This setting was the problem because, in Gnucash, setting “1” indicates 
"whole number" not “one decimal place”. Decimal places in GC account setting 
are expressed as 1/10, 1/100, 1/1000, etc. Alternatively, the recommended 
(default) setting is "Use Commodity Value", which will set the smallest 
fraction to the built-in value as displayed in the Security Editor. (The term 
“Commodity” put me off in the beginning, as I am a freelancer who uses Accounts 
Receivable for invoicing my clients and had nothing to do with commodities. I 
had not realized what the term meant in Gnucash then).

* Now, I tried setting the Smallest Fraction to 1/100 and to “use Commodity 
Value” in two different tests. In both cases, the problem was resolved, and I 
was getting accurate invoice values with fractions for Payment Processing and 
A/R Aging, and for all other tasks for that matter. No spurious prepayments 
were created as was the case before.

* To clear discrepancies with previously completed invoice/payment pairs, I ran 
 “Check & Repair all” on the A/R account (Actions>Check & Repair>All 
transactions). I followed this by running an A/R Aging report, and all previous 
rounding, discrepancies and spurious prepayments were cleared. The Aging report 
now exactly reflected outstanding customer invoices.


C. Discrepancies with non-default currencies

* In addition to the default USD, I have EUR and GBP accounts. While the above 
fix for the rounding issue also worked for those currencies, their A/R accounts 
still showed strange small and large imbalances.

* By further research, I realized that to work with multiple currencies, I had 
to activate “Use Trading Accounts”. This was another term which I always 
skipped because my business activities did not include trading. Once again, I 
did not realize the meaning of the term in Gnucash, which I suppose considers 
currency conversion between accounts of different currencies a form of trading. 
That’s fair although not intuitive (perhaps it is for an accountant).

* So, I activated Trading Accounts (File>Properties>check “Use Trading 
Accounts”) and also ran “Check & Repair All transactions” on the EUR and GBP 
A/R accounts. And voilà, all discrepancies were cleared and the A/R Aging 
report for those accounts was completely accurate.

* Note:  With “Use Trading Accounts” activated, two additional splits appeared 
for each non-default currency transaction. The accounts for these splits were 
“Trading:CURRENCY:<currency symbol>”, e.g. “Trading:CURRENCY:EUR” and 
“Trading:CURRENCY:USD” for a EUR account. These seem to account for the 
currency conversion between the non-default currency and the default currency. 
The simplest way to understand how this works is to look at the register with 
“Transaction Journal set”.


Note: The above does not explain why the spurious prepayments did not appear 
with Gnucash V4.6 and earlier. With V4.6, when I also had “Smallest Fraction” 
set to “1”, the rounding did occur, but prepayments resulting from the 
fractional differences did not appear. It seems that some change applied from 
V4.7 onward exposed this issue; maybe a correction to the way fractions were 
handled or something else. For me, this does not matter, as my purpose was to 
be able to upgrade to the current version with my books in good order. That is 
possible now with these corrected settings.



1. Rounding was caused by setting “Smallest Fraction” to “1”. Unless whole 
numbers are required, this should be set to “Use Commodity Value” or 1/10, 
1/100, etc., depending on the number of decimal places required. (Accounts>Edit 
Account>Smallest fraction).

2. For multiple currencies, “Use Trading Accounts” must be activated. 
(File>Properties>check “Use Trading Accounts”)

3. Applying “Actions>Check & Repair>All Transactions” on the relevant A/R 
accounts may be needed to fix previous discrepancies.

4. Some currencies, like JPY, have zero decimal places and will always be 
rounded. The Security Editor lists those with a Fraction value of “1”. 
(Tools>Security Editor>Check “Show National Currencies”>Expand Currencies>Click 
the Fraction column to sort on the Fraction value”. They can also be looked up 
here “ISO 4217 - Wikipedia 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217#Active_codes> ”.


I hope this helps.





-----Original Message-----
From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+alaa=expertwell....@gnucash.org> On 
Behalf Of Alaa Zeineldine
Sent: Sunday, December 25, 2022 2:50 AM
To: 'Murugan Muruganandam' <m.muruganan...@hotmail.com>
Cc: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing


Hello Murugan,.


Removing data from the live setup may not be trivial, it’s several years’ worth 
of transactions, 30 customers and several checking and PayPal accounts in three 


The good news is that I am playing with a number of test cases and may have 
pinpointed the problem with default dollar accounts. I will post my conclusion 
when I have more definitive results. But it may be an error on my part.



If these findings are confirmed, then my problem will have been resolved for 
the majority of my transactions which are dollar based. However, discrepancies 
with the non-dollar accounts will still be an issue. Which brings me to a 
question. For multiple currencies, should I activate “Trading Accounts”?






Alaa Zeineldine





From: Murugan Muruganandam < <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> 

Sent: Friday, December 23, 2022 10:15 PM

To: Alaa Zeineldine < <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> a...@expertwell.com>

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing



hi Alaa



I am not able to simulate your case, unless i can access your setup. is it 
possible to send me without data your actual setup?





Saludos Cordiales







From: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2022 8:37 PM

To: 'Murugan Muruganandam' < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> >

Cc:  <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> gnucash-user@gnucash.org < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>  < 
gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> >

Subject: RE: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing 



Hello Murugan,


On my live setup rounding happens for all currencies, including the default 
currency. That is the problem for which I started this thread in the beginning. 
In addition, this rounding leads to discrepancies in payment processing.







From: Murugan Muruganandam < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> > 

Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2022 3:01 PM

To: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Cc:  <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> gnucash-user@gnucash.org < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing



hi Alaa


this is the behaviour i also observerd, so the rounding is controlled by the 
currency of the customer. so probably you can try a new customer in your 
existing install and check





Saludos Cordiales







From: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 5:05 PM

To: 'Murugan Muruganandam' < <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> 

Cc:  <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> gnucash-user@gnucash.org < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>  < 
gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> >

Subject: RE: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing 



Hello Murugan,

I went ahead and created a Yen A/R account under the default A/R account. I 
then added an invoice for your Yen based Customer 1, with a value of 236.78. 
The value of this invoice is rounded up in the totals and the A/R Aging report. 
On the other hand, values of the dollar-based customers are not affected. 

I also added an invoice to a dollar client. No rounding or discrepancies 
exhibited in this case.

This is closer to the behavior of my actual live setup, except that in my setup 
rounding happens for all clients, including dollar clients.

The resulting test .gnucash file is attached for your perusal.





-----Original Message-----

From: gnucash-user < 
<mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+alaa=expertwell....@gnucash.org> > On Behalf Of 
Alaa Zeineldine

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 4:28 PM

To: 'Murugan Muruganandam' < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> >

Cc:  <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> gnucash-user@gnucash.org < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing


Hello Murugan,


Thanks. I opened the file you sent and saw the new customer with the new 
invoice you created, which seems to be empty. 


I think the problems begin when an invoice with an amount is created. In this 
case, GC will require an A/R account with the same currency as the customer. 
That is when discrepancies begin to appear.


I have a question before I proceed with adding test invoices. In my original 
live setup, I have the non-dollar A/R accounts as children of the dollar 
(default) A/R account, so that the parent account always shows the total A/R 


• My question is whether this is the correct setup, and if not, where should 
the A/R accounts for the secondary currencies be placed?








From: Murugan Muruganandam < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> > 

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 3:41 PM

To: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing



hi Alaa



i have created a customer called customer 1 with their currency as Yen.  i have 
created a invoice also for your reference. you can try creating new invoices 
with franctions for them and you can see the rounding





Saludos Cordiales







From: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:27 PM

To: 'Murugan Muruganandam' < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> >

Subject: RE: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing 



Hello Murugan,



I did lookup a number of customers, each of which had a USD currency, and their 
invoices were also USD, but rounding still occurs for them.



Can you elaborate on what you mean by “a customer currency with no fractions”?









From: Murugan Muruganandam < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> > 

Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 1:58 AM

To: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing






The rounding occurs based on the customer currency , so if your base currency 
and customer currency are USD , it will not have any problem , but in case you 
have a customer currency with no fractions , even when you create USD invoice 
it will round it , 



Can you look up one customer and tell me the currency of the customer and 
invoice currency 











On 20-12-2022, at 18:22, Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> > wrote:




Hello Murugan,



Thanks for looking into this. I checked a number of customers, and each shows 
the currency that was entered when I created the customer initially. I also 
checked a number of invoices and found that the currency for the invoice was 
consistent with that of the customer.



Please note the reply to David Kirkby that I sent to the list. I created a 
minimal test .gnucash file with only one currency and tried a number of 
experiments with it. This did not exhibit the problem. This of course is much 
simpler than my real setup where I have clients with different currencies, and 
also bank accounts with different currencies.









From: Murugan Muruganandam < 
m.muruganan...@hotmail.com <mailto:m.muruganan...@hotmail.com> > 

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:25 PM

To: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing



hi Alaa



Can you please do a quick check



1.      find customer

2.      view/edit

3.      Billing information 

4.      What currency is being shown in this .  


i was able to recreate the issue in a test file and i think this could be the 





Saludos Cordiales







From: gnucash-user < 
<mailto:gnucash-user-bounces+m.muruganandam=hotmail....@gnucash.org> > on 
behalf of Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 8:21 AM

To: 'Dr. David Kirkby' < 
 drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk <mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> >

Cc:  <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> gnucash-user@gnucash.org < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>  < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>  < 
gnucash-user@gnucash.org <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> >

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing 



Hello Dave,



Sounds reasonable. I will do this as soon as I get some free time this evening.









From: Dr. David Kirkby < 
 drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk <mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> > 

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 4:38 AM

To: Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> >

Cc:  <mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> gnucash-user@gnucash.org < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org>  < 
<mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> mailto:gnucash-user@gnucash.org> 

Subject: Re: [GNC] Rounding discrepancy in payment processing



On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 01:04, Alaa Zeineldine < 
a...@expertwell.com <mailto:a...@expertwell.com> > wrote:


This is the first time I email to the list. So, I don't know if screenshots

will show up, but I am including below a succession of screenshots for a

fake customer invoice to demonstrate the problem.




Yes they do show up. It would probably be worth your while creating a test 
.gnucash file, emailing that, and let people see if they get the problem with 
your file. 




Thanks for your help.







Dr. David Kirkby,

Kirkby Microwave Ltd, 

 <mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk < 
<mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk>  
< <mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> 
mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk>  < 
<mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> mailto:drkir...@kirkbymicrowave.co.uk> 

 <https://www.kirkbymicrowave.co.uk/> https://www.kirkbymicrowave.co.uk/

Telephone 01621-680100./ +44 1621 680100


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