I finally got the CVS download to work in 5.0. I had to drop using the type of 
transaction to get it to work. Instead of the four columns that I used in 4.13. 
When I tried a second CVS transfer from a second account Gnucash shutdown. When 
I reopened Gnucash all the transactions were present.

All the best

Joseph St Denis

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From: gnucash-user <gnucash-user-bounces+stdenis0=yahoo....@gnucash.org> on 
behalf of Christian Lynbech <christ...@defun.dk>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2023 3:34:33 PM
To: john <jra...@ceridwen.us>
Cc: gnucash-user@gnucash.org <gnucash-user@gnucash.org>
Subject: Re: [GNC] Gnucash 5 - import transactions

I have now done a few more experiments and is not any less confused.

So to iterate, using 4.14, automatching works, using 5.0 it does not

I tried turning on logging as John suggested. When I import to 5.0, I
get nothing logged during the operation. However, when trying to do the
import with 4.14, I am getting a number of warnings like this:

    * 20:07:17  INFO <gnc.import> [GncTxImport::update_pre_split_props] User 
warning: Column 'Konto' could not be understood.

The word "Konto" is danish for "Account". Even so, automatching did
work. I am attaching the log files from the two attempts below.

I then thought, perhaps this is a language thing (I am using danish both
on my computer and in the books), so I c'tried changing the language to
english but it did change the results, no automatching on verson 5.
Also, the warnings I see in version 4, now was in english (e.g

I have also tried generating a completely new book, as simple as can be,
but the behaviour is exactly the same, so it is not something something
that has piled up in my actual book.

Since this does not appear to be a universal issue, it is possible that
it is somehow language related.

Attached below are the two aforementioned log files, the one named with
"4" is from the 4.14 run (which works) and the one with a "5" is from the
5.0 version (that is not working).

I can provide my test book and sample CSV files as well, if anybody
would like to see them.

Thanks for taking an interest in my issue.


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