OK, I've given up.  I'm going to write a Tcl program to post process the 
default HTML export and create a LaTeX file.  There is some serious things 
broken that I cannot figure out.

At Mon, 3 Jul 2023 18:57:17 -0700 Vincent Dawans <dawa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Robert:
> Here are a few things you need to change:
> That very last statement (gnc:make-html-style-sheet "DWS_Stylesheet" (N_
> "DWS Stylesheet")) the first parameter is actually the template name
> defined just above, so it should be "DWS Stylesheet" without the
> underscore. The second parameter is the name of the default stylesheet
> created based on that template. You can use the same name as the template
> or you could call your Template "DWS Template" both here and above, as in:
> (gnc:define-html-style-sheet
>  'version 3.0
>  'name (N_ "DWS Template")
>  'renderer dws-renderer
>  'options-generator dws-options)
> (gnc:make-html-style-sheet "DWS Template" (N_ "DWS Stylesheet"))
> I would also advise you put your code in a separate scm file, for instance
> dws.scm, then store it in the USER_DATA directory .local/share/gnucash and
> load it from config-user.scm by adding
> (load (gnc-build-userdata-path "dws.scm"))
> Finally, possibly you are hitting a bug with the inability to save or there
> is something I don't know about loading the template because I have the
> same problem. Actually it's saving fine, you can see it in
> local/share/gnucash/stylesheets-2.0. It's the loading that's not working. I
> am wondering if it's not trying to load the saved stylesheet before running
> config-user.scm and therefore not finding it or something like that. But if
> I put the scm file directly in the main template directory under gnucash
> then it works, it's loading the saved settings, so that's a work-around.
> You don't load it in config-user.scm; instead you copy the file to
> <gnucash install
> dir>/gnucash/share/guile/site/2.2/gnucash/report/stylesheets/
> Sincerely,
> Vincent Dawans
> Then it saves fine for me.
> On Mon, Jul 3, 2023 at 7:17 AM Robert Heller <hel...@deepsoft.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I have written a style sheet module and it *seems* to be loading now, but
> > things are wonky any I don't know why.
> >
> > What I am *trying to go:
> >
> > 1) Put my company letterhead across the top of the invoice
> > 2) Put a "button image" (Payments by PayPal) under the invoice table.
> >
> > My custom stylesheet code adds two options: the button image and some
> > (optional) text to put under the button image (typically the e-mail
> > address to
> > use as the payment target).
> >
> > Several things are not working:
> >
> > If I use the Edit->Style Sheets options and create a new stylesheet from my
> > template, the addition options are not available (why?) If I just edit the
> > template itselt (with Edit->Style Sheets) I can set the header image and
> > the
> > button image, and the header image shows up, but not the button image
> > (why?),
> > and the options not saved across runs (why?).
> >
> > This code used to work just fine with V 2.6.  What has changed?  What do I
> > need to change?  The attached code was copied and modified from the V4.14
> > source tree (footer.scm), but obviously something is wrong somewhere.
> >
> >
> > ;;*****************************************************************************
> > ;;
> > ;;  System        :
> > ;;  Module        :
> > ;;  Object Name   : $RCSfile$
> > ;;  Revision      : $Revision$
> > ;;  Date          : $Date$
> > ;;  Author        : $Author$
> > ;;  Created By    : Robert Heller
> > ;;  Created       : Sun Jul 2 15:09:23 2023
> > ;;  Last Modified : <230703.1014>
> > ;;
> > ;;  Description
> > ;;
> > ;;  Notes
> > ;;
> > ;;  History
> > ;;
> >
> > ;;*****************************************************************************
> > ;;# @copyright
> > ;;    Copyright (C) 2023  Robert Heller D/B/A Deepwoods Software
> > ;;                      51 Locke Hill Road
> > ;;                      Wendell, MA 01379-9728
> > ;;
> > ;;    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
> > ;;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> > ;;    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
> > ;;    (at your option) any later version.
> > ;;
> > ;;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> > ;;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> > ;;    GNU General Public License for more details.
> > ;;
> > ;;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> > ;;    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
> > ;;    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
> > ;; @file dws-stylesheet.scm
> > ;; @author Robert Heller
> > ;; @date Sun Jul 2 15:09:23 2023
> > ;;
> > ;;
> >
> > ;;*****************************************************************************
> >
> > (define-module (gnucash report stylesheets DWS))
> >
> > (use-modules (gnucash engine))
> > (use-modules (gnucash utilities))
> > (use-modules (gnucash core-utils))
> > (use-modules (gnucash app-utils))
> > (use-modules (gnucash report))
> > (use-modules (gnucash html))
> >
> > (define (dws-options)
> >   (let* ((options (gnc:new-options))
> >          (opt-register
> >           (lambda (opt)
> >             (gnc:register-option options opt))))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-string-option
> >       (N_ "General")
> >       (N_ "Preparer") "a"
> >       (N_ "Name of person preparing the report.")
> >       ""))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-string-option
> >       (N_ "General")
> >       (N_ "Prepared for") "b"
> >       (N_ "Name of organization or company prepared for.")
> >       ""))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
> >       (N_ "General")
> >       (N_ "Show preparer info") "c"
> >       (N_ "Name of organization or company.")
> >       #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-simple-boolean-option
> >       (N_ "General")
> >       (N_ "Enable Links") "d"
> >       (N_ "Enable hyperlinks in reports.")
> >       #t))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-text-option
> >       (N_ "General")
> >       (N_ "Footer") "e"
> >       (N_ "String to be placed as a footer.")
> >       ""))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-pixmap-option
> >       (N_ "Images")
> >       (N_ "Background Tile") "a" (N_ "Background tile for reports.")
> >       ""))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-pixmap-option
> >       (N_ "Images")
> > ;;; Translators: Banner is an image like Logo.
> >       (N_ "Heading Banner") "b" (N_ "Banner for top of report.")
> >       ""))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-multichoice-option
> >       (N_ "Images")
> >       (N_ "Heading Alignment") "c" (N_ "Banner for top of report.")
> >       'left
> >       (list (vector 'left (N_ "Left"))
> >             (vector 'center (N_ "Center"))
> >             (vector 'right (N_ "Right")))))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-pixmap-option
> >       (N_ "Images")
> >       (N_ "Logo") "d" (N_ "Company logo image.")
> >       ""))
> >
> >     ;; RPH Mon Oct  8 10:46:26 2007
> >     ;; Button image and associated text options
> >     (opt-register
> >       (gnc:make-pixmap-option
> >         (N_ "Images")
> >         (N_ "Button Image") "e" (N_ "Button image.")
> >        ""))
> >     (opt-register
> >       (gnc:make-string-option
> >         (N_ "Images")
> >         (N_ "Button Image Text") "f" (N_ "Text to place under Button
> > Image.")
> >         ""))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Background Color") "a" (N_ "General background color for
> > report.")
> >       (list #xff #xff #xff #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Text Color") "b" (N_ "Normal body text color.")
> >       (list #x00 #x00 #x00 #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Link Color") "c" (N_ "Link text color.")
> >       (list #xb2 #x22 #x22 #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Table Cell Color") "c" (N_ "Default background for table
> > cells.")
> >       (list #xff #xff #xff #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Alternate Table Cell Color") "d"
> >       (N_ "Default alternate background for table cells.")
> >       (list #xff #xff #xff #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Subheading/Subtotal Cell Color") "e"
> >       (N_ "Default color for subtotal rows.")
> >       (list #xee #xe8 #xaa #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Sub-subheading/total Cell Color") "f"
> >       (N_ "Color for subsubtotals.")
> >       (list #xfa #xfa #xd2 #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-color-option
> >       (N_ "Colors")
> >       (N_ "Grand Total Cell Color") "g"
> >       (N_ "Color for grand totals.")
> >       (list #xff #xff #x00 #xff)
> >       255 #f))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-number-range-option
> >       (N_ "Tables")
> >       (N_ "Table cell spacing") "a" (N_ "Space between table cells.")
> >       1 0 20 0 1))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-number-range-option
> >       (N_ "Tables")
> >       (N_ "Table cell padding") "b" (N_ "Space between table cell edge and
> > content.")
> >       1 0 20 0 1))
> >
> >     (opt-register
> >      (gnc:make-number-range-option
> >       (N_ "Tables")
> >       (N_ "Table border width") "c" (N_ "Bevel depth on tables.")
> >       1 0 20 0 1))
> >     (register-font-options options)
> >
> >     options))
> >
> > (define (dws-renderer options doc)
> >   (let* ((ssdoc (gnc:make-html-document))
> >          (opt-val
> >           (lambda (section name)
> >             (gnc:option-value
> >              (gnc:lookup-option options section name))))
> >          (color-val
> >           (lambda (section name)
> >             (gnc:color-option->html
> >              (gnc:lookup-option options section name))))
> >          (preparer (opt-val "General" "Preparer"))
> >          (prepared-for (opt-val "General" "Prepared for"))
> >          (show-preparer? (opt-val "General" "Show preparer info"))
> >          (links? (opt-val "General" "Enable Links"))
> >          (footer-text (opt-val "General" "Footer"))
> >          (bgcolor (color-val "Colors" "Background Color"))
> >          (textcolor (color-val "Colors" "Text Color"))
> >          (linkcolor (color-val "Colors" "Link Color"))
> >          (normal-row-color (color-val "Colors" "Table Cell Color"))
> >          (alternate-row-color (color-val "Colors" "Alternate Table Cell
> > Color"))
> >          (primary-subheading-color
> >           (color-val "Colors" "Subheading/Subtotal Cell Color"))
> >          (secondary-subheading-color
> >           (color-val "Colors" "Sub-subheading/total Cell Color"))
> >          (grand-total-color (color-val "Colors" "Grand Total Cell Color"))
> >          (bgpixmap (opt-val "Images" "Background Tile"))
> >          (headpixmap (opt-val "Images" "Heading Banner"))
> >          (logopixmap (opt-val "Images" "Logo"))
> >          ;; Fetch Button image options
> >          (buttonpixmap (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Button Image")))
> >          (buttontext (opt-val (N_ "Images") (N_ "Button Image Text")))
> >          (align (gnc:value->string (opt-val "Images" "Heading Alignment")))
> >          (spacing (opt-val "Tables" "Table cell spacing"))
> >          (padding (opt-val "Tables" "Table cell padding"))
> >          (border (opt-val "Tables" "Table border width")))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "body"
> >      'attribute (list "bgcolor" bgcolor)
> >      'attribute (list "text" textcolor)
> >      'attribute (list "link" linkcolor))
> > ;;;;
> > ;;;;
> > ;;;;
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "column-heading-left"
> >      'tag "th"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-left"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "column-heading-center"
> >      'tag "th"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-center"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "column-heading-right"
> >      'tag "th"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "column-heading-right"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "date-cell"
> >      'tag "td"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "date-cell"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "anchor-cell"
> >      'tag "td"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "anchor-cell"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "number-cell"
> >      'tag "td"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "number-cell"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "number-cell-neg"
> >      'tag "td"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "number-cell neg"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "number-header"
> >      'tag "th"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "number-header"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "text-cell"
> >      'tag "td"
> >      'attribute (list "class" "text-cell"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "total-number-cell"
> >      'tag '("td")
> >      'attribute (list "class" "total-number-cell"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "total-number-cell-neg"
> >      'tag '("td")
> >      'attribute (list "class" "total-number-cell neg"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "total-label-cell"
> >      'tag '("td")
> >      'attribute (list "class" "total-label-cell"))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "centered-label-cell"
> >      'tag '("td")
> >      'attribute (list "class" "centered-label-cell"))
> >
> >     (if (and bgpixmap
> >              (not (string=? bgpixmap "")))
> >         (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >          ssdoc "body"
> >          'attribute (list "background" (make-file-url bgpixmap))))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "table"
> >      'attribute (list "border" border)
> >      'attribute (list "cellspacing" spacing)
> >      'attribute (list "cellpadding" padding))
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "normal-row"
> >      'attribute (list "bgcolor" normal-row-color)
> >      'tag "tr")
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "alternate-row"
> >      'attribute (list "bgcolor" alternate-row-color)
> >      'tag "tr")
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "primary-subheading"
> >      'attribute (list "bgcolor" primary-subheading-color)
> >      'tag "tr")
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "secondary-subheading"
> >      'attribute (list "bgcolor" secondary-subheading-color)
> >      'tag "tr")
> >
> >     (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >      ssdoc "grand-total"
> >      'attribute (list "bgcolor" grand-total-color)
> >      'tag "tr")
> >
> >     ;; don't surround marked-up links with <a> </a>
> >     (if (not links?)
> >         (gnc:html-document-set-style!
> >          ssdoc "a" 'tag ""))
> >
> >     (add-css-information-to-doc options ssdoc doc)
> >
> >     (let ((t (gnc:make-html-table))
> >           ;; set the header column to be the 2nd when we have a logo
> >           ;; do this so that when logo is not present, the document is
> >           ;; perfectly centered
> >           (headcolumn (if (and logopixmap (> (string-length logopixmap) 0))
> >                           1 0)))
> >
> >       ;; we don't want a bevel for this table, but we don't want
> >       ;; that to propagate
> >       (gnc:html-table-set-style!
> >        t "table"
> >        'attribute (list "border" 0)
> >        'attribute (list "style" "margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto")
> >        'inheritable? #f)
> >
> >       (let* ((headline (or (gnc:html-document-headline doc)
> >                            (gnc:html-document-title doc))))
> >
> >         (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
> >          t 1 headcolumn
> >          (if show-preparer?
> >              ;; title plus preparer info
> >              (gnc:make-html-text
> >               (gnc:html-markup-h3 headline)
> >               (gnc:html-markup-br)
> >               (G_ "Prepared by: ")
> >               (gnc:html-markup-b preparer)
> >               (gnc:html-markup-br)
> >               (G_ "Prepared for: ")
> >               (gnc:html-markup-b prepared-for)
> >               (gnc:html-markup-br)
> >               (G_ "Date: ")
> >               (qof-print-date
> >                (current-time)))
> >
> >              ;; title only
> >              (gnc:make-html-text
> >               (gnc:html-markup-h3 headline)))))
> >
> >       ;; only setup an image if we specified one
> >       (if (and logopixmap (> (string-length logopixmap) 0))
> >           (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
> >            t 0 0
> >            (gnc:make-html-text
> >             (gnc:html-markup-img (make-file-url logopixmap)))))
> >
> >       (display "*** headpixmap is ")(display headpixmap)(newline)
> >       (if (and headpixmap (> (string-length headpixmap) 0))
> >           (let* ((div (gnc:html-markup-img (make-file-url headpixmap)))
> >                  (cell (gnc:make-html-table-cell (gnc:make-html-text
> > div))))
> >             (gnc:html-table-cell-set-style! cell "td" 'attribute `("align"
> > ,align))
> >             (gnc:html-table-set-cell! t 0 headcolumn cell))
> >           (gnc:html-table-set-cell! t 0 headcolumn (gnc:make-html-text "
> > ")))
> >
> >       (apply
> >        gnc:html-table-set-cell!
> >        t 2 headcolumn
> >        (gnc:html-document-objects doc))
> >
> >       (display "*** buttonpixmap is ")(display buttonpixmap)(newline)
> >       (display "*** buttontext is ")(display buttontext)(newline)
> >       (if (and buttonpixmap
> >                 (not (string=? buttonpixmap "")))
> >           (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
> >             t 0 headcolumn
> >             (gnc:make-html-text
> >               (gnc:html-markup-img (make-file-url buttonpixmap))
> >               ;; Include additional text (typically E-Mail address used for
> >               ;; PayPal payments.
> >               (if (and buttontext (not (string=? buttontext "")))
> >                   (string-append "<BR>" buttontext "<BR>") ) )) )
> >             (gnc:html-document-add-object! ssdoc t)
> >
> >       (gnc:html-table-set-cell!
> >        t 3 headcolumn
> >        (gnc:make-html-text footer-text)))
> >     ssdoc))
> >
> > (gnc:define-html-style-sheet
> >  'version 3.0
> >  'name (N_ "DWS Stylesheet")
> >  'renderer dws-renderer
> >  'options-generator dws-options)
> >
> > (gnc:make-html-style-sheet "DWS_Stylesheet" (N_ "DWS Stylesheet"))
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Robert Heller             -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
> > Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services
> > http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Linux Administration Services
> > hel...@deepsoft.com       -- Webhosting Services
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > gnucash-user mailing list
> > gnucash-user@gnucash.org
> > To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:
> > https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-user
> > -----
> > Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
> > You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
> >

Robert Heller             -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Linux Administration Services
hel...@deepsoft.com       -- Webhosting Services
gnucash-user mailing list
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