On 7/27/23 3:43 AM, Angela Haggerty wrote:
Firstly, it's past 3 AM and I am arguing with myself on how to enter
construction projects into GNUCash for a bookkeeping LLC client.

Currently people tend to "tag" transactions by putting @job1 in the description of any transaction that affects Job 1.  That makes it a term that is easy to filter for reports.  Or use #jobB or whatever string format will be easy to input consistently and not get mixed up with other things.

Currently, to run a report for a single job where you have used this tagging system, you would go to:
Reports > Transaction Report > modify options:
Accounts: choose accounts to include (just income/expense for you)
Filter: in Transaction Filter, type @job1
General: pick your dates
And that will give you transactions for each account with totals.

Assuming you tagged everything, this should give you an idea of a single job's profitability.  You can also run the transaction report to show all transactions that do *not* include those tags; this lets you look over a list of overhead expenses and make sure you have no untagged job costs there by mistake.

Alternate method:

HOWEVER, Vincent Dawans has been working on reports that might give us reports for multiple jobs at a time.  See the following mailing list posts, ensuing discussions, and links therein

You will want to follow the mailing list and pay attention to anything that other people are calling classification/category/dimension reporting.  For our purposes they are the same.

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