I'm suspicious of a missing step.
Did you *install* Gnucash, or just download the .dmg file and open it,
then click Gnucash.app?
The .dmg file, when opened should have a shortcut to /Applications to
make it handy to drag the Gnucash.app file over it for installation, and
even has an arrow prompting you to do so. (you can drag and drop the
.app file wherever you like in your home folder, but /Applications is
traditional for all users to have access to it)
Pretty much *all* mac software is installed this way if contained in a
manually downloaded .dmg. (the App Store does this for you
automatically, but no, GnuCash is not distributed through the App Store)
On 10/11/23 6:49 AM, Vincent Lucarelli wrote:
I downloaded the image directly from the link on the gnucash.org
<http://gnucash.org/> homepage.
I did try to run the fq updater from the command line before double clicking
the Gnucash.app - could that have caused the whole app to be marked with
On Oct 10, 2023, at 05:05, Vincent Lucarelli <vincent.lucare...@gmail.com>
I upgraded an Intel Mac to macOS Sonoma and downloaded Gnucash 5.4. When I tried to
run it, I got the error "Gnucash is damaged and can’t be opened.”
In previous OS versions, there was an error about untrusted developer and in
System Settings you could approve running the application. System Settings has
been reorganized and I could not find anywhere to approve Gnucash.
In the terminal, I ran
xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine /Applications/Gnucash.app
and then has to launch Gnucash twice for it to finally run.
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