In addition to the Transaction Report (and a ScreenCap by various methods), there are two other options:

1. Use View > Filter by... to set the range of transactions you want visible in the register, then run Reports > Account Report.

2. While the main Accounts tab is in focus, do a Find for the transactions you want, then from the search results, run an Account Report.


On 12/18/23 5:58 PM, Simon Roberts wrote:
Hi all, I'd like to be able to print a range of transactions in a single
account. Essentially just a dump of what I see on the screen, though I
suppose I would need to select a range of rows and the columns that should
be in the output.

Can this be done? Is it one of the business reports? My accounting
background is essentially nothing, so it's entirely possible I don't know
what one of them might do, though I believe I've tried all the options.

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