On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 01:58:18PM +0200, Jean Brefort wrote:
> Le mercredi 13 ao??t 2008 ?? 07:04 -0700, colwyn a ??crit :
> > When I load, close or save a Gnumeric 1.9.1 spreadsheet (I cannot download
> > 1.8.3 stable release. Try to but it doesn't happen) I get the following
> > message which I have to cancel 3 times: 
> > 
> > Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c
> > 
> > Anyone know a) what this means? and b) why can't I download a stable release
> > of Gnumeric?
> > Thanks.
> > Colwyn.
> Windows messages are generally of no help. You might try to start
> gnumeric from a dos terminal (or whatever it is named in Windows).
> There is no really stable gnumeric version for Windows at the moment.

The latest build is debugable

You can use mingw's gdb on windows to get a backtrace.
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