On Wed, 2011-02-09 at 18:59 -0500, Daniel P. Dougherty wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 09, 2011 12:57:51 am Andreas Guelzow wrote:
> > Consider the following (discrete) example data:  
> >      2
> >     10
> >     10
> >      5
> >      9
> >      2
> >      5
> >     10
> >      8
> >     10
> > 
> > This would be really simple:
> > 
> > 1)  run the analysis
> > 2)  format the spreadsheet cells however you like
> > 3)  then create your column chart.
> > 
> No it turns out it isn't simple at all.  The "Custom Formatting" can't be 
> easily formatted to "Number" if the infinite bounds are used in the bins 
> option. It all just turns to ####### or blows out the axis of the chart (both 
> bizarre behavior)

Okay if I don't touch the formatting (except rotating the labels
slightly to avoid overlap) I get something like shown in chart1.png. I
like it. Apparently you don't.

If I would prefer numbers I reformat the cells on the spreadsheet and
recreate a column chart, of course I do not use a format that requires
too much space, or if I really want I just enlarge the column width. And
I get chart2.png
>  --> So OK, I then choose the one of the last two binning options which have 
> only the finite bounds.  Either of these options  loses all of my 2's and  
> 10's 
> from my data because it doesn't capture the maximum of my data!!  My 
> histogram 
> only has 80% of my data now :(  

It's a spreadsheet so it is really simple to change the formula that
counts those cells you don't like. Or you can bump the limits slightly.
> Histogram             
>               Column 1
> above 2       up to 2.88888888888889                                 0.0%
> above 2.88888888888889        up to 3.77777777777778  0.0%
> above 3.77777777777778        up to 4.66666666666667  0.0%
> above 4.66666666666667        up to 5.55555555555556  20.0%
> above 5.55555555555556        up to 6.44444444444444  0.0%
> above 6.44444444444444        up to 7.33333333333333  0.0%
> above 7.33333333333333        up to 8.22222222222222  10.0%
> above 8.22222222222222        up to 9.11111111111111  10.0%
> above 9.11111111111111        up to 10                                        
> 40.0%
> So what do I need to do then?? I need to go back scan all my data (big pain 
> if 
> it's a large data set or need to use functions) for max and min then set up 
> "Calculated cutoffs" with "Minimum cutoff" and "Maximum cutoff"  some  
> perturbation below my min and above max so I can get 100% of my data back 
> into 
> my bins and then I go through the whole procedure again and now essentially 
> needing to by-pass all the new features of Gnumeric's histogram features 
> (like 
> select "No chart" option and do my own Column chart setting up my own labels) 
> to get the most basic frequency histogram from a small data set. 

Or you could just change the lower and upper values in the histogram
> The point one comes away with is that it is not easy at all in Gnumeric to 
> reproduce what is default histogram behavior of other _very_ popular 
> software.  
> I think this is a problem. 

Well if you can easily create the histogram you like with other very
popular software, then there is really no reason for Gnumeric to
duplicate that. 

Of course If I try to look at other popular spreadsheet programs, ie.
OpenOffice3.2, Kspread, Excel, then I don't even find a histogram tool
in OOo. Searching the net for "kspread histogram" yields no result so I
suspect it may not have a histogram tool either. Excel seems to have a
histogram tool to create a histogram table but it looks to me like you
need to specify the cutoffs manually and use the chart wizard if you
want to have a chart.


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