I'm writing demo python plugin that adds  menu item to insert 'hello' into
A1  cell
The function to change a spreadsheat is ok (see below) but I can't make UI
to actually call it
and need help with that

Gnumeric version: 1.12.0
Plugin code: https://sourceforge.net/p/fborg/code/HEAD/tree/abc/
1. gnumeric's plugin manager shows new 'abc' plugin with 1 user interface
2. there is new 'Say hello' menu item under 'Tools' menu
3. running the action from python console works
4. running same action from menu does not (seems that it just isn't called)

To run it from console
1. click on a 'say hello' menu item, that adds new interpreter
2. open python console, select 'abc' interpreter
3. run f_abc_action1(0,0) and see 'hello' in A1 cell

Regards, Anatoly
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