It is not currently possible. An enhancement request exists
( Anyway, in your
case a line plot might be more appropriate and allows any label.


Le dimanche 14 décembre 2014 à 18:49 +0100, Giacomo Marchioro a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I am trying to understand how to plot text labels on the x axis
> instead of progressive numbers. For example plotting the  following
> dataset  using an XY Chart where B is the Y:
>   |     A     |        B
> 1 |'Sample 1' |       34
> 2 |'Sample 2' |       45
> 3 |'Sample 3' |       56
> Can only return 1,2,3 as X labels on the X axis (if I select column A
> as (X) the plot is empty). How can I plot as X labels 'Sample 1'
> instead of '1', 'Sample 2' instead of '2' and so on... I am running
> Gnumeric 1.10.17 on Xubuntu.
> Thanks a lot!
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