As a casual follower of the project (I use gnumeric less now than
before), with no way to show appreciation to the developers other than
reporting bugs now and then if I can find them - the thought of bounties
for bug resolution this has crossed my mind. What I envision is
something integrated with the bugzilla to attach money to the resolution
of issues, from the bug reporter perspective, it is appealing. A bounty
system that is not integrated with Bugzilla would be vastly inferior and
less useful IMHO
So, your suggestion motivated me to do a little research on it. It looks
like the following is close to the function desired:
Anyway, it appears that all gnome things may be under one big bugzilla
umbrela, so integration of bounties for bugs in gnumeric's bugzilla
would involve getting a lot of folks to agree on it. The social
engineering to accomplish such a thing has to be a non-trivial task,
perhaps completely intractable. I imagine objections arising from the
financial benefits that the bounty brokers get for their services, charges 10%, charges a few percent
on top of paypal's few percent. Imagining that bounties gain in
popularity, the bounty broker services could start making some decent
money. So I have to conclude that a bounty system integrated in bugzilla
for gnumeric is not likely to happen unless the gnome foundation takes
on the challenge of managing (and profiting from) it - not a bad idea
IMHO, but I am no position to advance the concept into any kind of reality.
This bounty integration for bugzilla has been on the table for a while,
here's an old thread I found
It looks like BountySource is geared towards funding the resolution of
reported bugs only, and I didn't see anything listed that I wanted to
pay for.
Just for fun, I created this one, for those of us compelled to usually
use certain proprietary operating systems, hopefully someone picks it up
to benefit the project - interesting they did not collect any money -
honor system I guess:
Anyway, thanks to all the developers for the useful software, happy hacking!
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