This should have been self-fixing if you ran './bootstrap' to generate
configure. Next time you see this (kind of) message, just re-run

However, I also should have just pushed the latest manually.
 So fixed in SVN 37009.


On 04/10/2016 04:51 AM, Nils Gillmann wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> thanks for the quick fix.
> Currently I'm trying to finish the work of lynX and myself and
> try to get gnunet, gnunet-gtk and gnurl into gentoo's
> portage. That's why I run and test it very much, now with the
> latest push I ran into something where I am not sure if this it
> is related or not, paste is here:
> build breaks at "no rule to make target
> '../src/sensordashboard/gnunet-sensordashboard.c' needed by
> 'gnunet.pot-update"

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