As of 2 days ago:
SMTP is setup, and sign-up is re-enabled with email confirmation.

Git repos are still not migrated over. I'm starting another thread for
updates on this.

- Devan

Florian Dold transcribed 2.5K bytes:
> On 4/7/19 6:29 AM, Devan C. - dvn wrote:
> > Until email/smtp is setup we will not have confirmation emails.
> Ah.  I assumed the setup was mostly complete and you wanted feedback.
> > Neither of these are actual problems right now, because it is easy
> > enough to manually administer, prune, and moderate. I've deleted your
> > "fake" Christian Grothoff account, and all the repos along with it.
> > Took only a moment and a couple of clicks.
> You wouldn't be able to distinguish these fake accounts from real
> account, that's the point.
> For company-internal intranet services it would be okay, but having a
> service exposed on the public internet where everybody can create
> accounts for any email address without owning it is totally unacceptable.
> > I've also tightened up the permissions on the GNUnet group. "No harm, no
> > foul" as they say...
> > 
> > To prevent any additional alarm, I have disabled registration. We can
> > re-enable once we have email confirmation setup.
> Good.
> - Florian

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