
I just finished cleaning up the neglected ChangeLog. We all (mostly me and 
grothoff) gravely neglected
to update the file (no change since 0.12.1!) and it was quite a pain to go 
through the git logs this

In order to prevent this or at least make this easier in the future, it would 
be great if we could from now on
settle on the following convention regarding commit messages:

A. Commit messages prefixed with "- "
Whenever you commit a simple bugfix, indentation fix or followup commit (forgot 
file etc) please
add a "- " to your commit message.


"- forgot to actually add file"
"- indentation"

B. Any other commit
Please formulate your commit message in a way that makes it understandable what 
component was changed,
why it was changed and how. Possibly with an issue number if applicable:


"GNS: Added new record type BB. Fixes #4223"
"Buildsystem: Fixed build breaking with gcc-10"

I added a new script in contrib/scripts/changelog_delta.sh
which will allow us to more or less automatically generate ChangeLog entries
from git logs by only including commits in the format "B" starting from the last
commit referenced in the existing ChangeLog.

We should probably at some point add a section to the handbook where we can 
detail commit message information.

Thanks and BR

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