Hello, I want to use ReclaimID with the MediaGoblins OpenID Plugin and
I was able to get the OpenID plugin working as well as GNUnet and the
Firefox extension. If I enter ui:reclaim in the browser, I can create
Identities, but in GMG there is no way to use those identites. The
GNUnet documentation at [1] seems to be unclear for me, it does not
state how to integrate with websites. I have screenshots of my
experiment at [3] and [4].

[1] https://docs.gnunet.org/handbook/gnunet.html#OpenID-Connect
[2] http://platen-software.de/tobias/tmp/mediagoblin.png
[3] http://platen-software.de/tobias/tmp/reclaimid.png

Tobias Platen (they/them)

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